著名U2歌乐团的主唱BONO在2003年英国举行的世界特殊运动会的表演会上向科马内奇致女皇似的敬礼仪式,当科马内奇自我介绍她是“Nadia Comaneci", Bono说”我知道,“加上他的动作,表明他对她的敬意。
http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-8173651_ITMOlympic champion Nadia Comaneci still a source of fascination.
Publication Date: 19-AUG-03
Byline: Scott M. Reid
U2 was throwing a party the likes of which Dublin had rarely seen.
Nelson Mandela was there. So was Muhammad Ali. Arnold Schwarzenegger stopped by with his wife, Maria Shriver. Irish actor Colin Farrell made an appearance. So did Australia's Olympic 400-meter champion Cathy Freeman, rocker Jon Bon Jovi and Ireland's President Mary McAleese.
The Special Olympics World Games had opened in Dublin earlier on that June evening, and now the celebrities were toasting the event at the Clarence Hotel, a local landmark renovated by the rock group in the late 1990s.
Amid the celebration a slim woman with striking dark features walked up to Bono to introduce herself.
"I'd like to say hello," she said. "My name is Nadia Comaneci."
Even before the words were out of her mouth, the singer was bowing, his arms stretched out above his head, as if he were before royalty.
"I know who you are," he said.