Pergamon Kingdom
Fight against the Galatians
Defeat 6 large Galatian armies(8+ units) inside Galatia to
provoke an invasion of Pergamon.
Defeat the Galatian invasion and own Ephesos, Sardis and
Ipsos to declare yourself Basileus. Galatian raids cease.
Pergamon Hegemony
The Seleukids are no longer in Anatolia and Pergamon
owns the western half up to Ankyra after ~257 BC.
Galatian raids cease
其中这个Defeat 6 large Galatian armies(8+ units) inside Galatia to
provoke an invasion of Pergamon的inside Galatia怎么理解?是需要在加拉太省击败六支加拉太人的部队这个意思?
Pergamon Kingdom
Fight against the Galatians
Defeat 6 large Galatian armies(8+ units) inside Galatia to
provoke an invasion of Pergamon.
Defeat the Galatian invasion and own Ephesos, Sardis and
Ipsos to declare yourself Basileus. Galatian raids cease.
Pergamon Hegemony
The Seleukids are no longer in Anatolia and Pergamon
owns the western half up to Ankyra after ~257 BC.
Galatian raids cease
其中这个Defeat 6 large Galatian armies(8+ units) inside Galatia to
provoke an invasion of Pergamon的inside Galatia怎么理解?是需要在加拉太省击败六支加拉太人的部队这个意思?