The basic difference between India and china is that china can copy anything and bring it very fast. India focuses on R & D and builds it strength brick by brick. There are many example.
e.g china is a leading manufacturer of cars but it is way behind India is car export. On one hand china manufacturers loads of cars, its quality is not acceptable to west and US. On other hand India exports its car not only to US and Europe, India exports to Japan as well. India moved from assembly destination to manufacturer of the part and subsequently R & D hub and designer country. Today if you want to design a good car cost effectively, there can not be any destination better than India. Look at TATAs. Bloody they can provide nice cars f international standard way cheaper than any one else can offer globally.
we started with humble production with 100 cc bikes and emerge as 2 wheeler hub (Bellow 500 cc bike ) in these years. On other hand chinese china remained a country which can sold their automobiles in their own country only. As items becomes high tech, acceptance of chinese goods drastically. China is good for low cost low tech goods only.