通用的语言 a lingua franca/a universal language/a global language
英语的统治地位 the dominant role/the ascendancy/the hegemony of English
方言 dialect/vernacular
语种的消亡 the extinct/demise of languages
文化遗产 cultural heritage
有形的如历史遗址 tangible cultural heritage, such as historic sites/relics
无形的如风俗习惯 intangible cultural heritage, such as customs, rites,
rituals and mores, etc.
祖先 forefathers/ancestors
后代 descendants/posterity
少数民族 ethnic minorities
民族团结 the harmony between ethnic groups/races
文化融合 cultural integration/immersion
文化多元性 cultural diversity
狭隘的观念 insular/provincial/parochial/parochial mentality
贬低(v) deprecate/denigrate/minimize the importance of sth
不是一成不变的 sth. is not set/carved in stone
英语的统治地位 the dominant role/the ascendancy/the hegemony of English
方言 dialect/vernacular
语种的消亡 the extinct/demise of languages
文化遗产 cultural heritage
有形的如历史遗址 tangible cultural heritage, such as historic sites/relics
无形的如风俗习惯 intangible cultural heritage, such as customs, rites,
rituals and mores, etc.
祖先 forefathers/ancestors
后代 descendants/posterity
少数民族 ethnic minorities
民族团结 the harmony between ethnic groups/races
文化融合 cultural integration/immersion
文化多元性 cultural diversity
狭隘的观念 insular/provincial/parochial/parochial mentality
贬低(v) deprecate/denigrate/minimize the importance of sth
不是一成不变的 sth. is not set/carved in stone