I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities—those of love and of reason—are the aims of all social arrangements.
可能大家不知道,英语中有很多词对,他们的出现就像couple一样,永远是成对出现,比方说from…to,so….that, such…as, between…and, too…to, 所以要求大家要对这些词对及其敏锐,看到前一个,就会想到下一个,这样句子顿时变得简单明了,比方说上面的句子我们就可以看到里面有一个from…into的用法,这样句子就直接简化成I suggest transforming our social system from …to … ,大家是不是豁然开朗,然后我们还可以看到from 和into 后面的industrialism 后面都跟上了in which 的结构,很明显是一个定语从句引导词,所以只起到修饰作用,所以也可以直接删减,这样这个句子就变成了 I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism into a humanist industrialism. 句意也就是我建议改变我们的社会体系从一个官僚化的工业制度变成一个人性化的工业制度。是不是长难句也可以变得很简单!
I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities—those of love and of reason—are the aims of all social arrangements.
可能大家不知道,英语中有很多词对,他们的出现就像couple一样,永远是成对出现,比方说from…to,so….that, such…as, between…and, too…to, 所以要求大家要对这些词对及其敏锐,看到前一个,就会想到下一个,这样句子顿时变得简单明了,比方说上面的句子我们就可以看到里面有一个from…into的用法,这样句子就直接简化成I suggest transforming our social system from …to … ,大家是不是豁然开朗,然后我们还可以看到from 和into 后面的industrialism 后面都跟上了in which 的结构,很明显是一个定语从句引导词,所以只起到修饰作用,所以也可以直接删减,这样这个句子就变成了 I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism into a humanist industrialism. 句意也就是我建议改变我们的社会体系从一个官僚化的工业制度变成一个人性化的工业制度。是不是长难句也可以变得很简单!