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As if I am going to lose every


As if I am going to lose everything in the end

来自Android客户端1楼2019-05-22 14:52回复
    The record of my life has gone.
    Like those inspirations, those pain, those struggles , those desperations, those wanderings didn't exist.
    And I still fancy sitting around.
    Walking along those unfamiliar streets.
    People passing my eyes, street lights flowing in front of my eyes.
    I stand by the alley, this quiet ,dark alley.
    Shops closed, lights turned off.
    I can feel the real me .the real life.the real loneliness.
    My stomach aches. My hands sweating. My shoulders trembling.
    And I keep going.
    Do not talk to me. Do not ask me. Do not blame me. Do not condemn me.
    Do not push me into the edge.
    What do normal people do.
    How do normal people deal with all kinds of relationship.
    How do normal people pay for what they get.
    Why am I the weriod in her novel.
    Why do they look at me.
    Why do they ask me.
    Leave me alone please.
    I just need a dark corner.

    来自Android客户端2楼2019-05-22 21:44
      Why do they buy my love.
      Why am I so cheap.
      When they have money, that mrans love.
      Am I a whore.
      When they struggle for money, they show love.
      Doesn't it ridiculous.
      Or am I too stupid.

      来自Android客户端3楼2019-05-22 22:04
        How could I let it go.
        When I wake up, the fear holds me so tightly that I can't stop thinking about it.
        That u want it.
        That u desire it.
        That I can never satisfy u.
        That u ignore my feelings and just let it destroy all I have.
        How could I trust u anymore.
        When everything that I thought was impossible has happened
        When I have wasted five years learning to trust.
        When we hug and kiss in the day and u turn to the whore at night.
        And u say it's just revenge.
        Is it just because I chatted with strangers so I don't deserve anything anymore.
        Do we have to go this way.
        Let it full of lies and lusts.
        But how could people have sex with another person when they still love someone.
        Why do they want it from a stranger when they just said love.
        As long as I think about it, stomach aches as if I'm gonna vomit.
        Those words like curse become the nightmare haunting forever.

        来自Android客户端4楼2019-06-12 10:34
          I'm ****ing hate this feeling
          The fear haunts me at any time
          When I just wake up
          When I walk along the street
          When I sit in the airplane
          When I come back from the crowd
          Those memories are not precious anymore
          Like looking at a stranger
          And keeping asking myself what I did with a stranger
          How ridiculous I am
          Do i recall it on purpose
          Or it exits and escapes from the deep of my heart
          I just can't be alone
          I just can't have a rest
          And I don't dare to say a word.
          To avoid being annoying
          To avoid it happens again
          To avoid it can never come back
          Can I finally stop it
          Or can I give up it

          来自Android客户端5楼2019-06-15 12:39
            People will change. But they never change back.

            来自Android客户端6楼2019-07-07 22:40
              The voice yelling for the last chance can never be heard.

              来自Android客户端7楼2019-12-03 08:31
                Sometimes I just can't find the reason to continue my life.
                IF death can bring the end to everything, why not give it a try.

                来自Android客户端8楼2019-12-08 23:16
                  it's not I have no one to talk to.
                  it's just the truth they can never understand.
                  and I even lose the energy to say a word.

                  来自Android客户端9楼2019-12-08 23:19
                    How strange.
                    yesterday I said I'm totally fine being alone.
                    and 24hours later I'm trapped by myself.

                    来自Android客户端10楼2019-12-08 23:20
                      For my whole life.
                      I've tried so many times and they r just placebo.
                      I beg for one's cherishing and love.
                      once and forever.
                      and the result is just as I already know.

                      来自Android客户端11楼2019-12-08 23:23