只是单纯好玩,会翻译所有内容,包括修bug和小改动。 我没玩过中文版,用词可能会和官方有所出入
[FEATURES] 【新功能】
World Congress 世界议会
3 New World Congress Proposals 三个新的世界议会议程
Public Relations: Target Player generates 100% more Grievances, and other players generate 100% more Grievances with the Target Player OR the Target Player generates 50% fewer Grievances, and other players generate 50% fewer Grievances toward the Target Player.
A 目标玩家造成的不满增加100%, 其他玩家对目标玩家造成的不满增加100%。
B 目标玩家造成的不满减少50%, 其他玩家对目标玩家造成的不满减少50%。
点评:鸡肋议程。 战争狂/征服胜利根本不在乎不满值
Espionage Pact: All Spies function +2 levels higher for the Target Operation OR Target Operation is unavailable (later game)
A 所有间谍在执行此类任务时等级+2
B 此类任务不可选
Military Advisory: Target unit promotion class gains +5 Combat Strength OR loses 5 Combat Strength
A 此兵系+5战斗力
B 此兵系-5战斗力
1 New Request for Aid Type 新的援助请求
Military Aid Request: If a civ that you have at least 200 Grievances against declares war on you, a Military Aid Request becomes available. This uses the gifting system (gold and/or project).
点评: 没什么卵用,给不了多少钱,最多多出一两个兵。主要蹭外交胜利用。
[ALL RULESETS ON PC] WorldBuilder Basic Mode is now “on” by default. Click on Additional Content from the main menu, and you will see the button on the upper-right.
Additional bugs and polish are listed in the WorldBuilder section below.
【PC所有模式】 世界编辑器基础模式现已默认启动。从额外内容菜单中的右上角启动。其他bug和优化列在了一下世界编辑器专栏。
[ALL RULESETS ON PC] Unit Abilities
Added Unit Abilities tooltip to the Unit panel. Mouse over a unit portrait to see Unit Abilities that were previously hidden. Note that this will not include temporary or situational Abilities.
增加了单位特殊能力的界面。 将鼠标移到单位头像上,可现实以前看不到的单位特殊能力。此界面包括临时性或条件性的能力。如自然奇观给的战斗力,将军的加成)。
[ALL RULESETS ON PC] Diplomacy Ribbon Yields
We now have an interface option in settings to turn on all the player yields on the Diplomacy Ribbon. They are: Always Off, On via Mouse-Over, Always on.
Many thanks to modders for inspiring this change! We like it better this way as well.
我们再设置中增加了一个新的界面选项:可以在外交头像下方显示所有玩家的产出。选项包括: 1. 一直关闭。2。 鼠标悬浮 3. 一直打开
感谢各位mod制作人士的启发, 我们赞同这项改进。
点评:集合了不少mod的好功能啊。 之前加入了mod的大头针和搜索。
Power Lens 【电力透镜】
Add a Power Lens when on the Power Tab of city-view with area highlights to easily see what is powered and what is not.
新增电力透镜。 可轻松发现各个城市的供电状况。
Body of Water Labeling 【水体标签】
Add Map Labels to any body of water over a certain size (oceans, bays, lakes, etc.)
[FEATURES] 【新功能】
World Congress 世界议会
3 New World Congress Proposals 三个新的世界议会议程
Public Relations: Target Player generates 100% more Grievances, and other players generate 100% more Grievances with the Target Player OR the Target Player generates 50% fewer Grievances, and other players generate 50% fewer Grievances toward the Target Player.
A 目标玩家造成的不满增加100%, 其他玩家对目标玩家造成的不满增加100%。
B 目标玩家造成的不满减少50%, 其他玩家对目标玩家造成的不满减少50%。
点评:鸡肋议程。 战争狂/征服胜利根本不在乎不满值
Espionage Pact: All Spies function +2 levels higher for the Target Operation OR Target Operation is unavailable (later game)
A 所有间谍在执行此类任务时等级+2
B 此类任务不可选
Military Advisory: Target unit promotion class gains +5 Combat Strength OR loses 5 Combat Strength
A 此兵系+5战斗力
B 此兵系-5战斗力
1 New Request for Aid Type 新的援助请求
Military Aid Request: If a civ that you have at least 200 Grievances against declares war on you, a Military Aid Request becomes available. This uses the gifting system (gold and/or project).
点评: 没什么卵用,给不了多少钱,最多多出一两个兵。主要蹭外交胜利用。
[ALL RULESETS ON PC] WorldBuilder Basic Mode is now “on” by default. Click on Additional Content from the main menu, and you will see the button on the upper-right.
Additional bugs and polish are listed in the WorldBuilder section below.
【PC所有模式】 世界编辑器基础模式现已默认启动。从额外内容菜单中的右上角启动。其他bug和优化列在了一下世界编辑器专栏。
[ALL RULESETS ON PC] Unit Abilities
Added Unit Abilities tooltip to the Unit panel. Mouse over a unit portrait to see Unit Abilities that were previously hidden. Note that this will not include temporary or situational Abilities.
增加了单位特殊能力的界面。 将鼠标移到单位头像上,可现实以前看不到的单位特殊能力。此界面包括临时性或条件性的能力。如自然奇观给的战斗力,将军的加成)。
[ALL RULESETS ON PC] Diplomacy Ribbon Yields
We now have an interface option in settings to turn on all the player yields on the Diplomacy Ribbon. They are: Always Off, On via Mouse-Over, Always on.
Many thanks to modders for inspiring this change! We like it better this way as well.
我们再设置中增加了一个新的界面选项:可以在外交头像下方显示所有玩家的产出。选项包括: 1. 一直关闭。2。 鼠标悬浮 3. 一直打开
感谢各位mod制作人士的启发, 我们赞同这项改进。
点评:集合了不少mod的好功能啊。 之前加入了mod的大头针和搜索。
Power Lens 【电力透镜】
Add a Power Lens when on the Power Tab of city-view with area highlights to easily see what is powered and what is not.
新增电力透镜。 可轻松发现各个城市的供电状况。
Body of Water Labeling 【水体标签】
Add Map Labels to any body of water over a certain size (oceans, bays, lakes, etc.)