HMG Corporation (会议记录)
Meeting Mi nutes
July6, 2015
I. Call to order
Peter, Secretary of the CEO called to order the regular meeting ofHMG Corporation in Room 536, Building No I on July 6. 2015.
2. Roll call
Sally Lee conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:John, Henry,Mary and Sue.
3. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
Sally Lee read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes wereapproved as read
4. . Open issues
1)The first criterion for the candidates: should be familiar withour business envir onment :
2)The second criterion for the candidates: should be exper iencedat senior leve I5. New business
Hold aan interview for all the candi dates.6. Ad journment
Peter adjourned the meeting at 11; 00 a,m,
HMG Corporation (会议记录)
Meeting Mi nutes
July6, 2015
I. Call to order
Peter, Secretary of the CEO called to order the regular meeting ofHMG Corporation in Room 536, Building No I on July 6. 2015.
2. Roll call
Sally Lee conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:John, Henry,Mary and Sue.
3. Approval of minutes from the last meeting
Sally Lee read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes wereapproved as read
4. . Open issues
1)The first criterion for the candidates: should be familiar withour business envir onment :
2)The second criterion for the candidates: should be exper iencedat senior leve I5. New business
Hold aan interview for all the candi dates.6. Ad journment
Peter adjourned the meeting at 11; 00 a,m,