【最后的部落会议】Final tribal council
- 每个决赛选手发表一个个人感言作为开场白,告诉陪审团为什么他值得赢得大家的选票。
- 每位陪审员会问决赛选手们一个问题,决赛选手们必须回应。有时候,陪审团只是自己发表一个演说,并不问什么具体问题。
- 从 S1 到 S12,每位决赛选手都会做一个总结陈词,给予他们又一次机会总体上回应陪审员们的问题,并解释为什么他是最值得赢的选手。这个程序在 S13 开始就不再采用。
- 每位陪审团成员为他们希望赢得冠军的人投票。
- 投票之后,有选票的容器就被主持人带走了。制作组会告诉选手他们的选票将在大团圆实况转播时被揭示结果,期间。
The players are told that the vote will be revealed during the live finale, and the votes are secured until the live finale of the show when the votes are revealed and the winner is announced. On several occasions the final tribal council and finale are edited together to make them seem like one event, until moments later the camera shows the studio audience. This is possible by re-creating on a studio the Tribal Council set from the location of filming.
Prior to the use of a Final 3, the jury has always been odd-numbered, thus ensuring that no tie would be possible. However, with every Final 3 jury, or as in the case of Micronesia of an even-numbered jury for a Final 2, a tie may be possible; it is unknown what mechanism is used to resolve a tie should it occur. During the finale of Micronesia, the host had a white envelope that he claimed held the tie-breaker, but its contents were not revealed as no tie occurred.[8]