王熙文(Heiman)是一位获得国际魔术奖项的香港年青魔术师。他曾在香港及世界各地的魔术比赛中参赛,更在2007年获得「金牌奖国际魔术比赛舞台魔术青少年组别亚军」。其后更被邀请到澳门作表演嘉宾。他的表演特具有自己风格,他的比赛主题(Make up!)整个流程也围绕自己身上的装扮作变化,例如:头发、领呔、皮带….等。所有魔术道具也是自己精心创作,没有一件是属於魔术店内的道具,绝对是一位走创作路线的魔术师。Heiman Wong is an Award Winning International young Magician in Hong Kong. Have a experience in Hong Kong and every International Magic Competition. He had recently been award Second Prize at the Golden Award International Magic Convention Stage Magic Contest in 2007, and also been invite to Perform in Macau. His Competition act (Make up!) have a own style in his perform. All the props is create by him self, absolute can’t find in magic shop.
He is a creative young magician.
王熙文(Heiman)是一位获得国际魔术奖项的香港年青魔术师。他曾在香港及世界各地的魔术比赛中参赛,更在2007年获得「金牌奖国际魔术比赛舞台魔术青少年组别亚军」。其后更被邀请到澳门作表演嘉宾。他的表演特具有自己风格,他的比赛主题(Make up!)整个流程也围绕自己身上的装扮作变化,例如:头发、领呔、皮带….等。所有魔术道具也是自己精心创作,没有一件是属於魔术店内的道具,绝对是一位走创作路线的魔术师。Heiman Wong is an Award Winning International young Magician in Hong Kong. Have a experience in Hong Kong and every International Magic Competition. He had recently been award Second Prize at the Golden Award International Magic Convention Stage Magic Contest in 2007, and also been invite to Perform in Macau. His Competition act (Make up!) have a own style in his perform. All the props is create by him self, absolute can’t find in magic shop.
He is a creative young magician.