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Throughout my (short) time on this sub, I've noticed that, while there are those who share my opinion, the majority of the sub hates on Rui because she is "selfish and insecure", while Hina is considered a near perfect person. But is that really so?
When we are introduced to Hina she seems like a really nice person who stays away from anything improper, yet we soon find out she's dating a married guy. She does break up with him and for some time everything is fine. Then she cathes Rui and Nat kissing, goes on to reprimand her only to date Nat herself later on. What makes it worse was that he was her student. Later on she makes a sacrifice and moves on to another school so Nat could stay in the school. And she again does it by rejecting him on the island. In the meantime, Nat and Rui start dating and everything is fine for some time. Now we come onto the "insecure" part. Many people here find Rui beings insecure as something that should be frowned upon, yet in other examples, such as Mao, that's just cute. We've seen several characters show insecurity throughout the manga, yet for some reason, Rui is the only one who gets hated for it. Yes, her insecurity was a problem in her relationship with Nat as she was becoming obsessive because of it, but is something she was aware of and it stemmed from the fear of losing the man she loves, something a person should not be hated for. After the incident with Miyabi and the writing block, the pep talk from Marie helped her realise what was wrong with her and she decided to break up with Nat so she wouldn't become a burden on him. She decided she needs to improve herself if she wants to have a future with Nat.

IP属地:中国台湾1楼2019-07-18 23:18回复
    Staying on the topic of being obsessive, that is exactly what Hina has become now. After rejecting Nat, she changes her mind and returns home so she could get back together with him. Upon finding out he moved out, she is evidently disappointed. Later on, she barges into his apartment drunk and tells him she still loves him. Then we had the family trip, where she went frantically searching for the rings after losing them, disregarding her own safety. After the breakup with Rui, she decides to move in with Nat as a "helping big sister". Yet we see her fantasising about having sex with Nat several times. Then we had the implied kiss when she was caring for sick Nat. Even when Nat was abducted, she doesn't think of calling the police, but risks her own safety to save him. Now, most here have praised it as a brave and valiant move, but how many people just completely disregard their own safety for someone else knowing there are other (better) options? One more thing that contributes to this is her talk with Marie about how she's going to dedicate her life to making Nat happy and worry about her own happiness later. Hina has become what Rui was, except she doesn't seem to realise it, which makes it worse than Rui's case. She's come to the point where her entire life revolves around Nat; she's playing just a side role in her own life. This is something that an obsessive person does.

    IP属地:中国台湾3楼2019-07-18 23:19
      Another thing I want to talk about is the sisters' "compatibility" with Nat. What I mean is how they can affect Nat's life and help him. Specifically his writing. During his relationship with Hina, Nat never had any major issues with his writing, so Hina had no need to do anything. On the other hand, Rui helped him with his writing several times. When he had the first block, she took him on a trip to help him clear his mind. Then we had the erotic story example, which is not really relevant, but it's still there. Rui is determined on fullfilling her dream of becoming a chef, same as Nat for being a successful writer. In that sense she can support him and push him forward when necessary. She also knows how it is to not be able to do the thing you love and how it feels when you suddenly find someone better than you at that. Both are things Nat experienced. Hina, on the other hand, gave up on her dream to chase after Nat. She never really had to struggle with her teaching, and the biggest obstacle she faced was having to change schools. She says she will hold on to his dream (something many here constantly bring up as a major point to her being the endgame girl), but she couldn't hold on to her own. It's a nice gesture, but one that doesn't hold much meaning, since she hasn't been through what Nat has and can't know how he's really feeling. Rui can though, as she went through that pain.
      In a way, Nat and Rui are like two halves of a coin, or mirrored versions of each of other. In contrast, Hina and Nat are very much different and some aspects of Nat's life Hina simply can't understand as well as Rui can.
      Anyway, maybe I've gone on for too long, so I'll wrap it up here. Thanks for reading folks.

      IP属地:中国台湾4楼2019-07-18 23:19

        IP属地:天津来自Android客户端5楼2019-07-19 04:35

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