My boyfriend is a ballet dancer我男朋友是一个芭蕾舞演员
and performing out of state for the first time.第一次要去外省演出
The distance is difficult,异地恋对我们来说都是煎熬
but phone calls and video chats help make us feel a little bit closer.还好,电话和视频聊天能让我们感到靠近了一点点
I've been worrying about money我一直在为钱的事情担心
and can't afford the trip or the tickets to his show,我支付不起路费,也没钱买票去看他的演出
so I try to make sure he feels loved and supported every day.所以我竭力让他每天都感受到我的爱意和支持
He called me last night well after I had gone to bed,昨晚,我已经睡了,他打来了电话
so when the call woke me up I answered with a sinking feeling.我被电话吵醒,接听的时候情绪有点不好
He'd had a rough rehearsal ,他那天的排练情况很糟糕
and a snooty dancer had hurt his feelings,一个目中无人的演员伤害了他的自尊心
but this wasn't what the call was about.不过,这些都不是他打来电话的原因
He had been awake thinking about me; missing me.其实他只是想告诉我,他一直睡不着,想着我,思念我
He was going to be getting his paycheck for the week,他快要拿到这个星期的报酬了
and was offering every penny to me他会把每一分钱都交给我
so that I could come to the show.这样我就可以来看演出了
As a young dancer, he doesn't make much.作为一个资历尚浅的演员,他赚的钱不多
The long hours in the studio make it hard to hold an outside job,整日待在练功房里,他很难在社会上找到工作
and each venue pays differently.每个音乐厅支付的价钱都不一样
The money he does make goes to the necessities 他赚的钱都花在了刀刃上
with very little if any left over.余钱很少,甚至没有。
To offer me his money is a big deal.把他的工资都交给我,这非同小可。
To offer me his check is for him to go without for the week.钱都给了我,就意味着他一整个星期一分钱都没有
Little did he know that I, too, was trying to get myself to his show.他还不知道,我自己也在努力赚钱,希望能去看他的演出
I have been finding side gigs and selling things here and there to save up,我一直在四处寻找兼职,在各个商店当收银员,以此努力攒钱
thinking that even if I end up traveling for a day on the Greyhound,心想着,即便要坐一整天的长途汽车
and even if I have to stand in the lobby instead of sit in the theater,即便我不得不站在剧院的门厅里,而不是坐在礼堂里
I am going to be there for him.为了他,我一定要去
I think sometimes we get so focused on merely surviving我想,有时候我们都专注于潦草度日
that we forget about what's important.却忘了真正重要的事情
It was easy to say "Oh if I don't have the money, I can't go."说一句“哦,我没有足够的钱,我去不了。”是很简单的事情
until I realized that it was about more than that.但是,我意识到,这件事还有更重要的意义
It's about supporting the ones you love意义在于,支持你所爱的人
and being there for them,在他们需要时陪伴他们
in whatever way you can be.不管你以何种方式站在那里
We are both willing to sacrifice what little we have... for each other,为了彼此,我们愿意倾其所有的付出
and I think that's worth everything.我想,这样就够了

and performing out of state for the first time.第一次要去外省演出
The distance is difficult,异地恋对我们来说都是煎熬
but phone calls and video chats help make us feel a little bit closer.还好,电话和视频聊天能让我们感到靠近了一点点
I've been worrying about money我一直在为钱的事情担心
and can't afford the trip or the tickets to his show,我支付不起路费,也没钱买票去看他的演出
so I try to make sure he feels loved and supported every day.所以我竭力让他每天都感受到我的爱意和支持
He called me last night well after I had gone to bed,昨晚,我已经睡了,他打来了电话
so when the call woke me up I answered with a sinking feeling.我被电话吵醒,接听的时候情绪有点不好
He'd had a rough rehearsal ,他那天的排练情况很糟糕
and a snooty dancer had hurt his feelings,一个目中无人的演员伤害了他的自尊心
but this wasn't what the call was about.不过,这些都不是他打来电话的原因
He had been awake thinking about me; missing me.其实他只是想告诉我,他一直睡不着,想着我,思念我
He was going to be getting his paycheck for the week,他快要拿到这个星期的报酬了
and was offering every penny to me他会把每一分钱都交给我
so that I could come to the show.这样我就可以来看演出了
As a young dancer, he doesn't make much.作为一个资历尚浅的演员,他赚的钱不多
The long hours in the studio make it hard to hold an outside job,整日待在练功房里,他很难在社会上找到工作
and each venue pays differently.每个音乐厅支付的价钱都不一样
The money he does make goes to the necessities 他赚的钱都花在了刀刃上
with very little if any left over.余钱很少,甚至没有。
To offer me his money is a big deal.把他的工资都交给我,这非同小可。
To offer me his check is for him to go without for the week.钱都给了我,就意味着他一整个星期一分钱都没有
Little did he know that I, too, was trying to get myself to his show.他还不知道,我自己也在努力赚钱,希望能去看他的演出
I have been finding side gigs and selling things here and there to save up,我一直在四处寻找兼职,在各个商店当收银员,以此努力攒钱
thinking that even if I end up traveling for a day on the Greyhound,心想着,即便要坐一整天的长途汽车
and even if I have to stand in the lobby instead of sit in the theater,即便我不得不站在剧院的门厅里,而不是坐在礼堂里
I am going to be there for him.为了他,我一定要去
I think sometimes we get so focused on merely surviving我想,有时候我们都专注于潦草度日
that we forget about what's important.却忘了真正重要的事情
It was easy to say "Oh if I don't have the money, I can't go."说一句“哦,我没有足够的钱,我去不了。”是很简单的事情
until I realized that it was about more than that.但是,我意识到,这件事还有更重要的意义
It's about supporting the ones you love意义在于,支持你所爱的人
and being there for them,在他们需要时陪伴他们
in whatever way you can be.不管你以何种方式站在那里
We are both willing to sacrifice what little we have... for each other,为了彼此,我们愿意倾其所有的付出
and I think that's worth everything.我想,这样就够了