- Implemented the move effects for Beak Blast, Burn Up, Shore Up, Speed Swap, Photon Geyser, and Spectral Thief.
- 添加了招式鸟嘴加农炮,燃尽,集沙,速度互换,光子喷涌和暗影偷盗的技能效果
- Added in Gold and Silver bottle caps. Both can be found via fishing in the ocean, with Silver also being tier 3 PokéLoot.
- 添加了金色王冠和银色王冠(具体效果请查询宝可梦百科)。这两种道具能够在海中垂钓时钓到。此外,银色王冠也能够在野外的3等级宝可梦道具箱中找到。(3等级:即tier 3。具体可以查看mod内drops文件夹的pokechestdrop文件内对宝可梦道具箱等级的定义)
- Added a new keystone cosmetic, the Mega Glasses!
- 添加了新的key石佩戴方法——mega眼镜!(类似于mega手环。可将手环换成眼镜)
- Implemented the move effects for Beak Blast, Burn Up, Shore Up, Speed Swap, Photon Geyser, and Spectral Thief.
- 添加了招式鸟嘴加农炮,燃尽,集沙,速度互换,光子喷涌和暗影偷盗的技能效果
- Added in Gold and Silver bottle caps. Both can be found via fishing in the ocean, with Silver also being tier 3 PokéLoot.
- 添加了金色王冠和银色王冠(具体效果请查询宝可梦百科)。这两种道具能够在海中垂钓时钓到。此外,银色王冠也能够在野外的3等级宝可梦道具箱中找到。(3等级:即tier 3。具体可以查看mod内drops文件夹的pokechestdrop文件内对宝可梦道具箱等级的定义)
- Added a new keystone cosmetic, the Mega Glasses!
- 添加了新的key石佩戴方法——mega眼镜!(类似于mega手环。可将手环换成眼镜)