we really appreciate it, and I wanna thank my vocal teacher,
Jodi, for always giving me support when I needed it the most,
and 我還要謝謝最好最好的朋友, 葉俊彥, Wy, Ricky, 很感謝你們,
and I also wanna thank Evad, Edward, Jeff, Uncle Joshua, Judy,
John, Yvonne, Roger, the best mechanic, Michael, Michi, Peter,
Rudy, and Stephanie, Tiffany, and the last but not the least,
Dee, I love you guys all, God Bless.
God, thank you for giving me the gifts that you've given me,
and for this opportunity to use them, I know that through you,
I can accomplish all things, mom, dad, Michael and Kevin, just
thank you for all the support and for the patience and love that
you've given me throughout this entire ??, to the rest of my
family, just thank you for believing in me and constantly
encouraging me, and, hey SU????? what's up, keep line dancing
and keeping me proud, B-dub, Kingston, Jone, Tim, Dee, Migelin,
Jenny, Wendy, Two-short, Fay, Nicky, last but not least, I
just want to say mad props to SHOCK records for everything that
they've done, for the promotional group, or the marketing team,
everything that they've done, they're the people behind the
scenes, and without them, we'd be nothing, and Uncle Joshua,
just thank you for being there and giving us a first chance,
David Tao, 陶吉吉, just thank you very much for believing in
us, and making us who we are, and Sarah, thank you for just
being one of the people on our team.