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Oil Recipe / Schematic
Display Direction to quest locations from traders.
Create smaller version of the icon atlas (for low VRAM)
Campfires, workstations and torches heat map activity cools down faster.
4x the torches and candles can be used without triggering a screamer.
Increased mass of deer, mountain lion and vultures
Steel arrows/bolts are crafted from polymer, not wood
Machete and Clubs Heavy Fire anim update
Quality 6 items are not craftable
Tier 3 items scrap for more parts than T2 and require more to craft
Drum magazine can be installed on the SMG
Increased ammo capacity on junk turret
PerkTurrets increases ammo capacity when reloading a junk turret
Increased stack size of junk turret ammo
Increased texture budget to 90% of VRAM
Decreased texture streaming max reduction to 2
Increased nightmare move speed by 5%
Bird nests drop 1 more feather
PerkTheHuntsman better description
Garage Door Industrial (Powered) not unlocked when reading schematic
Mild Anemia buff persists
Forge does not give max resource back when you chose max.
Using the rotating yellow exclamation mark should activate the quest on the HUD.
Quests were showing "Locate" instead of "Head to Rally Point".
Blade Trap NRef
Rank 4 demo expert has typo
Treasure maps and Challenge Notes can be kept after reading.
Hover display on Pack Mule 4 is incorrect
Exploding/Flaming arrows/bolts are double gated by books
Burning Barrel sound persists in pause menu
Ranged attacks defaulting to bashing damage, which caused huge ragdolls

来自手机贴吧1楼2019-10-19 10:58回复
    划重点:Quality 6 items are not craftable。6品装备又不能做了,他又改了回去?

    来自手机贴吧2楼2019-10-19 10:59
      Steel arrows/bolts are crafted from polymer, not wood

      来自手机贴吧4楼2019-10-19 11:02