His smile fair as Spring, as towards him he draws you (恶魔之子,笑容温和) His tongue sharp and silvery, as he implores you (当他向你奉求时,满口生花) Your wishes he grants, as he swears to adore you (他誓要供奉你时,有求必应) Gold, silver, jewels, he lays riches before you (金银珠宝,财富皆在你眼前) Dues need be repaid, and he will come for you (然时间一到,他必定到你面前) All to reclaim, no smile to console you (美梦化为乌有,而他面若冰霜) He snare you with bonds, eyes glowin' afire (以契约为陷阱,以眼神为火焰) To gore and torment you till the stars expire (使你受尽折磨,直到永远)