Dear Editor,
Enclosed for your consideration is anoriginal research articl,entitled“××××”
1. All authors of this research paper havedirect Ly participated in the planning execution, or analysis of this study
2. All authors of this paper have read andapproved the final version submitted.
3. The contents of this manu have not beencopyrighted or published previously.
4. The contents of this manuscri pt are notnowe under consideration for publication elsewhere.
5. The contents of this manu will not becopyrighted, submitted,or published elsewhere while acce ptance by the Journalis under consideration.
6. There are no directly related manus orabstracts,published or unplished, by any authors of this paper.
We believe the paper may be of particularinterest to the readers of your journal because the study reports that...
Correspondence and phone calls about thepaper should be directed to at the following address, phone and fax number, ande-mail adress:
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(your name here)
Dear Dr.××××,
I would like to submit the attachedmanu,“××××”for consideration for possible publication in the Research Articlessection of SCI
My two nominees for associate editor areDr. Smith and Dr.××××,Dr.Smith is well versed in the topic of the paper whileDr.×××× has used a methodology in his own research that is related to themethodology in the paper being submitted.
Regarding the option of nominating uptofour reviewers, my nominees are:
Name-1, Email address-1
Name-2, Email address-2
Name-3, Email address-3
Name-4, Email address-4
The nominees for associate editor andreviewers have no conf lict of in terest with any of the authors of the paperbeing submitted.
This paper(or closely related research) hasnot been published or accepted for publication. It is not under consideration atanother journal.
No other papers using the same data sethave been published. ( Note: If other papers using the data set have beenpublished, please indicate differences between the submitted paper and theother published papers.)
your name and address here
Dear Editor,
Enclosed for your consideration is anoriginal research articl,entitled“××××”
1. All authors of this research paper havedirect Ly participated in the planning execution, or analysis of this study
2. All authors of this paper have read andapproved the final version submitted.
3. The contents of this manu have not beencopyrighted or published previously.
4. The contents of this manuscri pt are notnowe under consideration for publication elsewhere.
5. The contents of this manu will not becopyrighted, submitted,or published elsewhere while acce ptance by the Journalis under consideration.
6. There are no directly related manus orabstracts,published or unplished, by any authors of this paper.
We believe the paper may be of particularinterest to the readers of your journal because the study reports that...
Correspondence and phone calls about thepaper should be directed to at the following address, phone and fax number, ande-mail adress:
(your name and address here)
Thanks very much for your attention to ourpaper.
Sincerely yours
(your name here)
Dear Dr.××××,
I would like to submit the attachedmanu,“××××”for consideration for possible publication in the Research Articlessection of SCI
My two nominees for associate editor areDr. Smith and Dr.××××,Dr.Smith is well versed in the topic of the paper whileDr.×××× has used a methodology in his own research that is related to themethodology in the paper being submitted.
Regarding the option of nominating uptofour reviewers, my nominees are:
Name-1, Email address-1
Name-2, Email address-2
Name-3, Email address-3
Name-4, Email address-4
The nominees for associate editor andreviewers have no conf lict of in terest with any of the authors of the paperbeing submitted.
This paper(or closely related research) hasnot been published or accepted for publication. It is not under consideration atanother journal.
No other papers using the same data sethave been published. ( Note: If other papers using the data set have beenpublished, please indicate differences between the submitted paper and theother published papers.)
your name and address here