We've got so many questions, that cannot be answered at this moment. Snail Games shut down the doors for our community. For almost 2 years, there were no screenshots, videos or any information leaked regarding Age of Wushu 2. Snail Games likes to hide every detail abbout their upcoming games.
After this page grew to 2000 people I noticed Snail has been silent since then. Maybe because of leaks and attention we've brought to this title. But that's a good thing, because now they now people want this game to be released in the West as well. Maybe they are delaying game because of this? To prepare for the Western market?
Who knows. I think if they would have stopped the development, we would know now by now. We have asked people who are working in Snail Games if game development is still going, they answered that it's still going with interuptions.
So, would you still play Age of Wushu 2 if it would come out at the end of this year? Or the next year? I know we would for sure!