生产Megane Ichiba 眼镜的公司 Megane Toppu 7月21日股价闯新高,每股达到1,620日元, 在东日本股票市场排第12位. 今年8月份销售额比去年同期增长4.4%, 而全国范围的预期增长为8.6%.
Original Source of the news: Kezai (Economy) online news.
Posted on Soompi BYJ Thread by Willenette Translated to Chinese by yudi829
Megane Toppu, the company who makes eyeglasses brand Megane Ichiba,marked a new high of 1,620 yen per share on July 21st placing them on the 12th rank on the East Japan Stock Exchange. The sales for Aug. this year is 4.4% higher than same period last year while there is expected sales increase of about 8.6% nationwide.