26/10/11 On set with Deborah Turbeville San Miguel de Allende, Messico. Photography has always played a major role in my personal and professional experience. It was through the pictures of the great masters of this art that I have started dreaming about fashion. Every picture is a narration, a moment, every frame represents the connection between the sensibility, the taste, the eye of the photographer and the light, the people and the depicted dresses. Pictures crystallize the moment and take the moment to last forever, and depending on the time we look at such moments with different eyes, giving new meanings to the images and finding new inspiration. Through my job I had the chance to actually meet my heroes, and Debora Tuberville is one them. This shot, taken some time ago, has now a different and perhaps stronger meaning. Three women, a big hug, a moment that will last forever

27/10/11 On set with Deborah Turbeville San Miguel de Allende, Messico. Working with Deborah I understood the moment when a picture just happens. When you work on the “outside” you need light, natural light and there is no artificial instrument that you can use to help you adjust it. You just need to wait for the right moment. During the working of this campaign we were literally running after light, after the right light. A marathon that could last all day. But then, when finally the light was the “light” everyone could felt it, every single person working on set hold their breath, and then, with a click, the time is suspended and the magic happens