- Added Lures, crafted from berries, that increase the spawn rate of many different types of Pokémon.
- 添加了道具:香水(lure,香水,直译作诱饵,首次出现于去皮/去伊。mod内分为引虫香水和黄金香水两类,每类均有20种,详情请在官网下载该版本查看)。该道具需要使用树果合成,佩戴该道具能够增加许多种宝可梦的出现率
- Made the following berries plantable (finally): Oran, Pecha, Chesto, Rawst, Persim, Lum, Sitrus, Aspear, Leppa, Figy, Mago, Wiki, Aguav, Roseli, Chilan, Iapapa.
- 下列树果终于可以种植了:橙橙果、桃桃果、零余果、莓莓果、柿仔果、木子果、文柚果、利木果、苹野果、勿花果、芒芒果、异奇果、乐芭果、洛玫果、灯浆果、芭亚果
- Added an option, 'useSystemTimeForBerries' which makes berries grow even when the game is closed, which means that /time commands won't break berry growth.
- 配置文件中添加了'useSystemTimeForBerries'(使用系统时间作为树果生长的依据)选项。该选项开启后,即使关闭游戏/服务器,树果也会继续生长,这意味着诸如/time类的指令不会打断树果生长了
- Added potion brewing recipes that use berries to create Pixelmon potions like Super Potions and Full Heals.
- 为诸如好伤药、万灵药等宝可梦专用恢复药剂添加了以minecraft原版炼药系统为基础的制作途径。现在使用各类树果可以制作各类宝可梦mod内的恢复药剂了
- Added a special texture spec, allows for spawning Pokémon with the zombie and roasted textures. Can be used as 'st:zombie' or just 'st' to select the first special texture the Pokémon has.
- 添加了特殊材质的标签,通过这个标签,我们可以生成带有特殊材质的宝可梦,如僵尸暴鲤龙和红烧鲤鱼王。可以在指令内使用如'st:zombie'类的标签来指定宝可梦的特殊材质,或者直接使用'st'标签来指定宝可梦使用自己的第一种特殊材质
- Added the Scorhood cosmetic! Available to anyone with a linked Pixelmon forum account.
- 添加了饰品Scor兜帽!现在所有注册并连接到pixelmon官方论坛的玩家可以使用这种帽子了(国内貌似被墙了,服务器连不到官网,无法使用该类饰品)