“我不会成为你的梦中情人”,在这张她最大胆的专辑里,Claire Boucher 在最后一首歌"Butterfly" 里唱道。当然她可能只是在扭扭捏捏,因为对于很多人来说,她就是那个梦中的女孩。 "I'll never be your dream girl," sings Claire Boucher on "Butterfly", the final song on Art Angels, her most audacious album to date. Perhaps she's just being coy, because for many she is exactly that.
在女性也能作为流行音乐主创的年代,Boucher(Grimes)发行的闪耀的作品也为这种趋势添上了一笔。她用专辑/现场中宏大的观念、强劲的节奏招呼大家来到舞池上。她对本可以轻松招架的极简主义表示抗拒(指Grimes的音乐是复杂化的)。 In the age of the female pop auteur, Boucher's work as Grimes is a glorious addition to the canon, someone who beckons us to the dancefloor with big ideas and bigger beats, and resists simplistic notions of who she can be on a record or a stage.
《Art Angels》让过时的性别歧视寿终正寝。流行音乐行业中,性别主义者认为女性是建筑材料、是未经修饰的框架,而男性将用才华赋予它们生命。因为女性的行业角色是完美整洁的、在某种程度上是不真实的。这14首歌是Boucher 心血的证据,是清清楚楚的流行风景线,是无可辩驳的“她”的作品,邀请着世界的加入。 Art Angels is a gilded coffin nail to outmoded sexist arguments that women in pop are constructed products, a mere frame for male producers' talents—that because their music is immaculate, they are somehow not authentic. These 14 tracks are evidence of Boucher's labor and an articulation of a pop vision that is incontrovertibly hers, inviting the wider world in.
Grimes 是Boucher 的终极“粉丝学者女孩”人格:一个热爱Mariah、 Katy Perry、K-pop并且把自己的音乐元素从这些已有的音乐中扩展开来,靠着对于合成器&虚无世界的可能性的着迷走到了今天这一步,从而最终给了自己心中的“Art Angels”一对翅膀。 Grimes shows that Boucher is the ultimate fangirl study: a D.I.Y. musician whose love of Mariah, Katy Perry, and K-pop has expanded her palette, driven by her fascination with the possibilities of the synthetic and unreal, and ultimately given wings to Art Angels.
在这里,她把“她所崇拜的流行音乐”与“她能做到的流行音乐”拉近了距离。Boucher称这张专辑由两个部分组成,确实,这些曲目可以简单地按照“夜开始时的舞池即兴”、“夜结束时的舞池即兴”排列好。 Here, she closes the gap between the pop she's idolized and the pop she is capable of. Boucher has claimed that the record has two halves, and indeed, the songs line up most easily into beginning- and end-of-the-night dancefloor jams.