波萨达斯吧 关注:1,293贴子:49,401
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1楼2020-04-12 22:16回复

    2楼2020-04-12 22:52
      对于A.M. 吉特里茨—一本有关阿根廷托洛茨基主意者J. 波萨达斯(J. Posadas)的新书的作者—而言,这一具有讽刺意味的对波萨达斯的崇拜也对我们此刻的正智有所忠告。 在难以相信未来的时代,波萨达斯的疯狂乐观似乎是对诚挚和纯粹的信念的讽刺—如今我们几乎已经失去了它们。在他的富含深入研究的书《我想相信:波萨达斯主义,UFO和天启供铲主意》中, 吉特利兹记载了波萨达斯的活动在战后拉丁美洲托洛茨基主意中更为严肃的一面,同时指出,即使是他最奇怪的主张也并没有与当时的UFO学那么分离。
      For A.M. Gittlitz, author of a new book on J. Posadas, this ironic veneration of the Argentinian Trotskyist also has something to say about our political moment. In times in which it’s hard to believe in the future, Posadas’s wild optimism appears as a caricature of an earnestness and sheer sense of belief now almost lost to us. In his richly researched I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism, Gittlitz documents the more serious side of Posadas’s activism in postwar Latin American Trotskyism, while suggesting that even his strangest claims were not so detached from the UFOlogy of the time.

      8楼2020-04-13 19:41
        David Broder是波萨达斯的小册子《Flying saucers, the process of matter and energy, science, the revolutionary and working-class struggle and the socialist future of mankind》的翻译者。他与吉特利茨(Gittlitz)谈了波萨达斯对外星人的兴趣,他(指波萨达斯---译者注)的同志在古巴歌命中的参与以及他如何成为网络传奇。
        David Broder is the translator of J. Posadas’s Flying saucers, the process of matter and energy, science, the revolutionary and working-class struggle and the socialist future of mankind. He spoke to Gittlitz about Posadas’s interest in the extraterrestrial, his comrades’ involvement in the Cuban Revolution, and how he became an online legend.

        9楼2020-04-13 19:44

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