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有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关


有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关有没有大神教一下控制台不小心输入exec navedit这个指令怎么关

IP属地:贵州1楼2020-05-24 03:41回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2020-05-24 03:42
      exec 是设置cfg指令 你得看看这个navedit 写的是什么东西

      IP属地:安徽来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-05-24 10:08
        sv_cheats "1"
        nav_edit "1"
        bind y nav_mark_walkable //Before auto-generating, this makes sure the spot will be walkable
        bind o "nav_quicksave 0" //Turn quicksave off
        bind p "nav_quicksave 1" //Turn quicksave on
        bind f9 nav_generate //Creates the initial navigation file for editing (may take a long time)
        bind mouse1 nav_begin_area //Click to start defining a new nav area
        bind mouse2 nav_end_area //Click to finish creation of new nav area
        bind mouse3 nav_delete //Click to delete a nav area
        bind q nav_mark //Mark or unmark a nav area (use with other commands below)
        bind v nav_split //Splits a nav area at the white line in your line of sight
        bind b nav_merge //Merges a marked nav area with the one in your line of sight
        bind n nav_splice //Splices a marked nav area with the one in your line of sight
        bind 1 nav_avoid //These number keys set or unset areas for bot activities
        bind 2 nav_crouch
        bind 3 nav_dont_hide
        bind 4 nav_jump
        bind 5 nav_no_jump
        bind 6 nav_precise
        bind 7 nav_run
        bind 8 nav_stand
        bind 9 nav_transient
        bind 0 nav_walk
        bind e nav_corner_select //Toggle selection of nav area corner in marked area
        bind r nav_corner_raise //Raises selected nav area corner
        bind f nav_corner_lower //Lowers selected nav area corner
        bind mwheelup nav_corner_raise //Raises selected nav area corner
        bind mwheeldown nav_corner_lower //Lowers selected nav area corner
        bind z nav_connect //Connects a marked nav area with the one in your line of sight
        bind x nav_disconnect //Disconnects a marked nav area from the one in your line of sight
        bind f6 nav_save //Saves nav file
        bind f7 nav_analyze //Necessary as a final step
        bind g nav_toggle_place_painting //It is not practical to bind all the possible placenames;
        //You'll have to type the individual commands

        IP属地:广东4楼2020-05-24 10:11
          看来这回你爽了 键位全被改了一遍

          IP属地:广东5楼2020-05-24 10:11

            IP属地:海南6楼2020-05-24 10:15

              IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端7楼2020-05-24 10:59

                来自手机贴吧8楼2023-09-24 17:24