JOY: Dakota Fan¬ning, who plays the evil vam¬pire girl Jane, explains the hype of the female fans as such: ‘Edward is the per¬fect man, he is hand¬some and has great hair.’ What do you think about that?
RP: If all that mat¬ters is being attrac¬tive and have great hair, those aren’t tough con¬di¬tions, I’m not sure if I can live up to达到 them though (laughs).
JOY:扮演邪恶的吸血鬼女孩的Dakota Fan¬ning,在解释那些疯狂的女粉丝说“爱德华是一个完美的人,他很英俊而且他的发型很棒”。你是怎么想的?
JOY: What’s the dif¬fer¬ence between you and Edward?
RP: I, too, have bad hair days (laughs).