离群索居的虎鲸吧 关注:2贴子:74
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【Juse some broken words】



1楼2020-07-16 00:36回复
    The America history(1)
    1.Discovery of the New World
    Christopher Columbus,an Italian navigator,supported by the Spanish Queen,led his men to sail across the vast ocean and reach some small is land in present-day West Indies.
    He thought that he reached Asia but Amerigo Vespucci prove that he found a new continent,not Asia.

    2楼2020-07-16 00:41
      2.The Colonial Period
      In 1607,the first colony at Jamestown Viginia was found.
      then the second colony at Plymouth was found by the pilgrims who object the belifs and practices of church and left england.
      They sailed across the Atlantic by a ship called Mayflower.
      The large Massachusetts Bay colony was found in 1630 by the puritan who left england because of disagreement the church of england.
      In 1624,Dutch settlers had founded a colony called New Netherland.
      In 1664 ,The english occupied it and change its name to New York.
      During the second half of 17th century,Carolina became the english colony.

      3楼2020-07-16 00:53
        3.The America War of Independent(1775-1783)
        Due to unfair trade,high taxes and The Stamp Tax,the coflict outbreak between british government and american people.
        In 1773,some Boston resident dressed up indian and threw all of tea at the british ship——that's known as The Boston Tea Party.
        In 1774,The first cotinent congress encouraged american to refuse buying british goods.
        On April19,1775,a fight outbreak in Lexington and Concord.
        Then The second cotinent cogress agreed to support the war.
        [George Washington,a virginia people,became the militia commander.
        Thomes Jfferson drafted the Declaration of Independent.]
        [The Declaration of Indepent have two improtant statement:(1)all people are created equal.(2)they are endowed by the creator with unalienable rights.
        The document is the political theory behind the american revolution.]
        In 1783,The treaty of paris were signed.
        [The war gave capitalism a chance for freer development and had international impact.]

        4楼2020-07-16 07:32
          4.Government Under the Confederation
          In 1781,March,The cotinent congress adopted the Articles of Confederation.
          But the articles of confederation have some weakness.For patch up it,the Consititution Convention was held in 1787.
          July 16,representors made the Great Compromise that is giving each states an equal vote in the senta but they wil decide the number of sentas by the size of each state's population.
          September,other arguement began with Federatist and Anti-Federatist.But October 27,The Federatist Papers are regard as the best explaination consititution as well as one of the most important work on political theory.
          December,The Bill of Rights adopted.
          In 1788,The first general election was held.
          In 1789.April 6,the first congress met.
          April 30,Washington became the first president.
          In 1790,the first federal government of the United States was found.

          5楼2020-07-16 07:47
            5. The war of 1812
            [Causes of the war:(1)Trade with France angered British.(2)Americans resented the British removing american seamen.(3)some people who wanted to expand territories harmed British interesting.]
            In December 1814,British and American diplomats signed a peace treaty.
            [The war make some great influence like:(1)that made people realizeing the important of a stong nation government.(2)that strenghthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism.(3)The americans turned their attention to the development of the western part of the continent for almost 10 years.(4)that made both British and American realize their dispute should be solved through negotiation.]

            6楼2020-07-16 07:56
              6.Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement
              After the war of Independent,Americans forced England give up the Old Northwest.
              In 1790s,the crossing of the Mississipi helped persuade napolen to sell the Lourisiana.
              In 1836,Texas outbreak uprising and won independence.
              In 1845 Texas was added to the Union.
              [The Manifest Desiny:(1)The inevitability of the founding of the united states.(2)the legitimacy of the expansion of American terriotory.(3)the spead of amaerican domocracy being the task of american people who were chosen to do the Lord;s work.]
              In 1846,The war outbreak between america and mexico.
              In 1848,The war ended.
              [Mexico forced to give California and New Mexico,America pay Mexico dollars in return.]

              7楼2020-07-16 09:09
                8.Growth of the nation
                In 1990,millions of immigrants entered the coutry and increase the numember of population.
                In the 30 years after the discovery of gold in Califormia,prospectors found gold or silver,propectors come in the country's heartland.
                Then,others began to raise cattle.
                And the railroads provideed a way for the cattle ranchers to ship their goods.
                But they influent the native american's life,the war broke out.
                By late 1880s,Most of savage forced off their land and onto reservatation.
                The final defeat of the native americans came in the battle of Wounded Knee in South Dakota in 1890.
                In the late 19th and early 20th centuries,a lot of people went to cities from farms.
                Many factors helped to produce industrial development.
                [The construction of railroads led to increase demand for steel rails and the growth of steel industrial.
                A new method of steelmaking called the Bessemer process resulted in improved products.
                The coming of the gasoline engine led to development of automobile and of the airplane.
                Henry Ford introduced the assembly-line method of making car.
                Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first successful flight in an airplane.
                Andrew Carnegie made a fortune as the leader of the enormous expansion of the steel industry.
                Hohn D.Rockefeller grew wealthy founding the Standard Company which dominated oil production in the United State.]
                With the industrial development,competing firm organized Trusts.
                [It controled production within an industry and set high prices for their goods.
                Many people,including small business owners and workers,protested against the Trusts.]
                in 1890,Congress passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
                in 1914,Congress created an agency called the Federal Trade Commission to prevent unfair competetion.
                But individual workers found it difficult to protest their rights,they creat organizations for solving this problem.
                [The KOL founded in 1869.
                The ADL replace the KOL in late 19th century,and work for reforms such as the establishment of workday and workweek.
                In the 20 century,the ADL merged with another labor federation,CIO,to form the AFL-CIO.]
                In 1919,women gained the right to vote by the Ninteenth Amendment.

                9楼2020-07-17 11:58
                  In 1867,Alaska belong to america.
                  In 1898,the United States claimed possession of Hawii.
                  In the same year,America supported the independence of cuba.
                  At the close of the war,America gained the island of Guam.
                  In 1904,the canal across the Central America was constructing.
                  In 1914,the panama canal opened.

                  10楼2020-07-18 09:48
                    The America history(2)
                    1.Economic Development
                    Between the end of civil war and 1900,the US saw a tremendous growth of the economy.
                    [Steam and electricity repalced humen muscle;steel took the place of iron.Machine and oil were used.]
                    there emerged a nuber of feature in the groth of the american economy.
                    [Industrial and Financil Mergers
                    New Technology]

                    12楼2020-07-22 10:47
                      3.World War I and the United States
                      The first World War which broke out in Jne 1914.
                      On August 4,president Wilson issued an official statement proclaiming american neutrality.
                      But it pursued a policy of pro-Ally partiality.
                      On April 6,1917,America declared war on Germany.
                      The war ended on November 11,1918.
                      The peace Conference,the paris Conference,began on January 18,1919.
                      The result of the Paris Conference was the versailles treaty system and the washington system.
                      These two systems lasted from 1919 to 1939.

                      14楼2020-07-22 12:14
                        5.The great depression and the new deal(1929-1933)
                        On october 24,1929,the great depression began.
                        The bank system lacked stablility,stock maket speculation(股票投机市场)and over-expansion of credit was another crisis.
                        But president Hoover refused to take strong government action to make the economic suffering smaller.
                        A lot of people lost their job and couldn't live in home,they became tramp(流浪汉),riding the train and hoping to get a job or meal.
                        they slept in parks,subway and abandoned buildings.
                        Hugry people were looking for scraps of food in garbage cans.
                        In 1932,present Roosevelt bring his"new deal"to get america out of the great depression.
                        His friendly chat over the radio were listened to by millions of people.
                        [The new deal:
                        (1)Establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking,credit and currency systems,overcoming the financial crisis and restriction of certain extreme pratices of financial capital.
                        (2)Federal government management of relief and establishment of social security systems.
                        (3)recovery of industry and agriculture.
                        (4)Formulation and implementation of federal labor laws to raise the role of labor in the relations of production.
                        (5)Improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.]

                        16楼2020-07-25 15:10
                          6.World war 2 and the united states
                          In 1937,Japanese attack on china.
                          In 1939,German attack on poland and soviet union.
                          In 1941,the pearl harbor incident make the war spread to the whole world.
                          In the early 1930s,america was isolationist.
                          But when the bombing of pearl harbor changed the whole situation.
                          America was formally in war with Axis powers.
                          American wartime objectives were the total destruction of the axis powers and the establishment of a world order after the end of war.
                          Wartime american diplomacy have two principle:(1)win the war(2)establish a structure to prevent the soviet union of over-expansion.
                          In europe:(1)concerntration of resources to defeat Germany.(2)policy towards the soviet union.(3)the statues of former colonies after the war.
                          In soviet union:(1)to keep the soviet union in the war so that the united states could win the war with the least sacrifice.
                          (2)toget the soviet union into war against Japan.
                          (3)to influence soviet foreign policy so that there would be some kind of cooperation after the war but at the same time to be very watchful about soviet expansive intention.
                          Teheran conference:
                          The codenamed was Overlord which is a large-scale attack on the south of France.
                          Yalta conference:
                          approved a re-division of postwar sphere of influence among three powers and decided on the setting-up a world organization:The united nations.
                          Berlin conference:
                          confirmed the temporary division of europe.

                          17楼2020-07-25 16:21