Even if the whole cross-dressing thing were Ma's main point, it's doubtful that would have made the film better, as Ma's direction is frustratingly uninteresting. Ma has ample opportunities to engage the audience - the film's premise has multiple levels both narratively and thematically - but Ma hands each development to the audience through dialogue and very little onscreen discovery. The nadir of his unimaginative storytelling occurs when Mulan's childhood friend Tiger (Jaycee Chan) says to Wentai, "You two are so lonely," referencing Wentai and Mulan's inability to honestly connect. No offense to Tiger, but the best response here would be, "Duh". Jingle Ma should be using every other method at his disposal - actors, action, music - to tell us that Mulan and Wentai are lonely. Both Vicki Zhao and Aloys Chen turn in emotionally convincing performances, so that message gets across anyway. However, to ensure that everyone gets it, Ma throws that unnecessary, obvious line out there. ·········· 整个故事的横跨都在马导意图之内,马导拍出了沮丧与悲情让人怀疑是部优秀作品。马导有足够的机会去贴合观众 - 在电影的前提下可以有多个层次都narratively和主题除了马导的想法,每一个对话情节的v发展观众很难在屏幕上发现。他的想像创作的故事倾注于花木兰的童年好友小虎(房祖名)对文泰说:“你们两个是如此孤独,”········赵薇和陈坤在感情上又令人信服的表演,意为贯通整篇故事。但是,为了表现出每一个人的情感,马导投入了一些没有必要的情节,包括一些明显的漏洞。
Even if the whole cross-dressing thing were Ma's main point, it's doubtful that would have made the film better, as Ma's direction is frustratingly uninteresting. Ma has ample opportunities to engage the audience - the film's premise has multiple levels both narratively and thematically - but Ma hands each development to the audience through dialogue and very little onscreen discovery. The nadir of his unimaginative storytelling occurs when Mulan's childhood friend Tiger (Jaycee Chan) says to Wentai, "You two are so lonely," referencing Wentai and Mulan's inability to honestly connect. No offense to Tiger, but the best response here would be, "Duh". Jingle Ma should be using every other method at his disposal - actors, action, music - to tell us that Mulan and Wentai are lonely. Both Vicki Zhao and Aloys Chen turn in emotionally convincing performances, so that message gets across anyway. However, to ensure that everyone gets it, Ma throws that unnecessary, obvious line out there. 虽然马的主题是围绕这一男扮女装的故事展开,但由于马的导演是如此无趣,其能成为好电影,实在值得怀疑。马有很多机会让观众参与剧情,(结合后面,应该是说让观众通过演员的表演揣测,而不是直接告诉观众),但马导演通过对话将剧情发展直陈给观众,缺乏在银幕上的发现(对观众而言)。 他那无创意的故事讲述的最低点是在木兰的儿时伙伴小虎(房祖名饰演)对文泰说“你们俩真孤独”的时候。这句话是因文泰和木兰无法坦诚面对而发(因为身份问题吧)。对小虎无冒犯之意,但对此处,最可能的反映是“咄”(意思是此人对这一情节不置可否,觉得处理很差)。马导演应该运用其他元素,如演员、动作、配乐等来告诉我们木兰和文泰是孤单的。虽然因为赵薇和陈坤情感上有说服力的表演使这个信息被接受,但是,为了确保每个人都能理解,马导演还是扔了一句没必要的、无新意的台词在该处。