-WATCH YOUR FOCUS TREE, NEW FOCUSES POP UP IN EVENTS, and GLOBAL CONSPIRACY activation! Always finish all focuses, and focus on doing Globalplan Focuses because every month the conspiracies are active you spend supplies. Keep an eye on supplies!!!
Start the game and do the focuses. Himmler will reorganize the country and as the small focus tree ends, send an assassin to kill Hitler.
Who will be critically injured.
Keep doing the focuses until Germany falls in civil war. Until then, FOCUS ON BUILDING REFINERIES AND GETTING "SUPPLIES". You have no oil access due to your odious practices and the world hates you. Civilian factories must focus on refineries for rubber and synth oil.
Your army is HEAVILY APC intensive (Mechanized) so focus on building as many arms factories as possible for APC's and balance some small arms and support items. You will export arms to finance your conspiracies. Sacrifice skilled workers to erect weapons factories ASAP when you get the focuses after eating France.
Hitler is dying. Reinforce your army for an imminent invasion of France the moment Hitler dies, until then, do all focuses.
Hitler dies.
Immediately overrun France, with your current army it should take a day or so WITHOUT EFFORT. Finish the war, scatter your army across Burgundy territories in case a revolt happens.
Feel free to give token support to Heydrich. But he will lose most of time. If he loses, change your support from focus tree to Goering. That idiot can still give you nukes and supplies if he wins.
If you can afford, initiate Globalplan Wolf to enter Middle East and bribe King Farouk for supplies and poison him in the end.
-WATCH YOUR FOCUS TREE, NEW FOCUSES POP UP IN EVENTS, and GLOBAL CONSPIRACY activation! Always finish all focuses, and focus on doing Globalplan Focuses because every month the conspiracies are active you spend supplies. Keep an eye on supplies!!!
Start the game and do the focuses. Himmler will reorganize the country and as the small focus tree ends, send an assassin to kill Hitler.
Who will be critically injured.
Keep doing the focuses until Germany falls in civil war. Until then, FOCUS ON BUILDING REFINERIES AND GETTING "SUPPLIES". You have no oil access due to your odious practices and the world hates you. Civilian factories must focus on refineries for rubber and synth oil.
Your army is HEAVILY APC intensive (Mechanized) so focus on building as many arms factories as possible for APC's and balance some small arms and support items. You will export arms to finance your conspiracies. Sacrifice skilled workers to erect weapons factories ASAP when you get the focuses after eating France.
Hitler is dying. Reinforce your army for an imminent invasion of France the moment Hitler dies, until then, do all focuses.
Hitler dies.
Immediately overrun France, with your current army it should take a day or so WITHOUT EFFORT. Finish the war, scatter your army across Burgundy territories in case a revolt happens.
Feel free to give token support to Heydrich. But he will lose most of time. If he loses, change your support from focus tree to Goering. That idiot can still give you nukes and supplies if he wins.
If you can afford, initiate Globalplan Wolf to enter Middle East and bribe King Farouk for supplies and poison him in the end.