we have expected that the fans who live in south korea can understand his decision ,and hope that you can tell the truth of this case to them that the decision is made by hangeng under the special situation of his bad health.
Oh,the right address is http://www.tudou.com/home/hangeng_/ ps: I have a exam after 30 mins.So you can talk with other fans. 同学们,有考试,我下了,建议不要打拼音,楼主容易误会是英文…… 建议找几个有英文翻译的中国节目给楼主。
可爱的孩子们吧人家吓跑了…… 哈哈和…… Let comfort the frightened girl first…… so lovely puss…… We are overflow with enthusiasm to her Don't fright,we only want to show our enthusiasm. WELCOM…… 希望我囧囧的英文没有什么太大问题…… 我的四级,为嘛还没过……