cs地图吧 关注:9,312贴子:340,236



总是弹出个对话框,是英文的 看不懂 到底哪里出错了啊?急!!!大家给看一下嘛~~谢谢各位大哥了!
hlcsg v2.5.3 rel (May   2 2001)
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com)
-----   BEGIN   hlcsg -----
Command line: E:\cs_xiang_guan\[M.L]_CS08-01-18A\tools\hlcsg.exe -estimate E:\cs_xiang_guan\a83.map
-= Current hlcsg Settings =-
Name                  |   Setting   |   Default
threads                [        2 ] [   Varies ]
verbose                [      off ] [      off ]
log                    [       on ] [       on ]
developer              [        0 ] [        0 ]
chart                  [      off ] [      off ]
estimate               [       on ] [      off ]
max texture memory     [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority               [   Normal ] [   Normal ]
noclip                 [      off ] [      off ]
onlyents               [      off ] [      off ]
wadtextures            [       on ] [       on ]
skyclip                [       on ] [       on ]
hullfile               [     None ] [     None ]
min surface area       [    0.500 ] [    0.500 ]
brush union threshold [    0.000 ] [    0.000 ]

1楼2010-01-07 20:49回复

    Wadinclude list :
    entering E:\cs_xiang_guan\a83.map
    (0.48 seconds)
    (0.00 seconds)
    (0.55 seconds)
    Using WAD File: \cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\valve\halflife.wad
    Using WAD File: \cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\cs_office.wad
    Using WAD File: \cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad
    Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (240172 bytes)   Wad:wad[\cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[3258:TK_STONEWALLHI]
    Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (306812 bytes)   Wad:wad[\cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[3297:TK_CLAYROOF]
    Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (272812 bytes)   Wad:wad[\cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[3325:{TK_PLANTLG]
    Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (327212 bytes)   Wad:wad[\cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[3327:{TK_PLANTSM]
    Warning:   ::: Larger than expected texture (235412 bytes)   Wad:wad[\cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[3379:TK_TORNMAP]
    Using WAD File: \cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\cs_bdog.wad
    Using WAD File: \cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\decals.wad
    Texture usage is at 1.32 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX)
    1.08 seconds elapsed
    -----    END    hlcsg -----
    hlbsp v2.5.3 rel (May   2 2001)
    Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
    Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com)
    -----   BEGIN   hlbsp -----
    Command line: E:\cs_xiang_guan\[M.L]_CS08-01-18A\tools\hlbsp.exe -estimate E:\cs_xiang_guan\a83.map
    -= Current hlbsp Settings =-
    Name                |   Setting   |   Default
    threads              [        2 ] [   Varies ]
    verbose              [      off ] [      off ]
    log                  [       on ] [       on ]
    developer            [        0 ] [        0 ]
    chart                [      off ] [      off ]
    estimate             [       on ] [      off ]

    2楼2010-01-07 20:49
      max texture memory   [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
      priority             [   Normal ] [   Normal ]
      noclip               [      off ] [      off ]
      nofill               [      off ] [      off ]
      notjunc              [      off ] [      off ]
      subdivide size       [      240 ] [      240 ] (Min 64) (Max 240)
      max node size        [     1024 ] [     1024 ] (Min 64) (Max 4096)
      BSP generation successful, writing portal file 'E:\cs_xiang_guan\a83.prt'
      1.72 seconds elapsed
      -----    END    hlbsp -----
      hlvis v2.5.3 rel (May   2 2001)
      Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
      Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com)
      -----   BEGIN   hlvis -----
      Command line: E:\cs_xiang_guan\[M.L]_CS08-01-18A\tools\hlvis.exe -full -estimate E:\cs_xiang_guan\a83.map
      -= Current hlvis Settings =-
      Name                |   Setting   |   Default
      threads              [        2 ] [   Varies ]
      verbose              [      off ] [      off ]
      log                  [       on ] [       on ]
      developer            [        0 ] [        0 ]
      chart                [      off ] [      off ]
      estimate             [       on ] [      off ]
      max texture memory   [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
      priority             [   Normal ] [   Normal ]
      fast vis             [      off ] [      off ]

      3楼2010-01-07 20:49
        full vis             [       on ] [      off ]
        882 portalleafs
        3197 numportals
        (1.88 seconds)
        (477.31 seconds)
        average leafs visible: 285
        g_visdatasize:75947   compressed from 97902
        479.27 seconds elapsed [7m 59s]
        -----    END    hlvis -----
        hlrad v2.5.3 rel (May   2 2001)
        Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
        Submit detailed bug reports to (zoner@gearboxsoftware.com)
        -----   BEGIN   hlrad -----
        Command line: E:\cs_xiang_guan\[M.L]_CS08-01-18A\tools\hlrad.exe -extra -estimate E:\cs_xiang_guan\a83.map
        -= Current hlrad Settings =-
        Name                 | Setting              | Default
        threads               [                  2 ] [             Varies ]
        verbose               [                off ] [                off ]
        log                   [                 on ] [                 on ]
        developer             [                  0 ] [                  0 ]
        chart                 [                off ] [                off ]
        estimate              [                 on ] [                off ]
        max texture memory    [            4194304 ] [            4194304 ]

        4楼2010-01-07 20:49
          priority              [             Normal ] [             Normal ]
          vismatrix algorithm   [           Original ] [           Original ]
          oversampling (-extra)[                 on ] [                off ]
          bounces               [                  1 ] [                  1 ]
          ambient light         [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ] [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
          maximum light         [            256.000 ] [            256.000 ]
          circus mode           [                off ] [                off ]
          smoothing threshold   [             50.000 ] [             50.000 ]
          direct threshold      [             25.000 ] [             25.000 ]
          direct light scale    [              2.000 ] [              2.000 ]
          coring threshold      [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
          patch interpolation   [                 on ] [                 on ]
          texscale              [                 on ] [                 on ]
          patch subdividing     [                 on ] [                 on ]

          5楼2010-01-07 20:49
            chop value            [             64.000 ] [             64.000 ]
            texchop value         [             32.000 ] [             32.000 ]
            global fade           [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
            global falloff        [                  2 ] [                  2 ]
            global light scale    [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
            global gamma amount   [              0.500 ] [              0.500 ]
            global sky diffusion [              1.000 ] [              1.000 ]
            opaque entities       [                 on ] [                 on ]
            sky lighting fix      [                 on ] [                 on ]
            incremental           [                off ] [                off ]
            dump                  [                off ] [                off ]
            3124 faces
            Create Patches : 20406 base patches
            0 opaque faces
            207015 square feet [29810220.00 square inches]
            7 direct lights
            for Face 2903 (texture c3a2sign07) at
            (-398.000 -817.000 -143.000) (-398.000 -817.000 -188.000) (-398.000 -816.000 -188.000) (-398.000 -816.000 -143.000)
            Error: Bad surface extents (262 x 3)
            Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem
            -----    END    hlrad -----

            6楼2010-01-07 20:49

              IP属地:江西7楼2010-01-07 21:15
                for Face 2903 (texture c3a2sign07) at
                (-398.000 -817.000 -143.000) (-398.000 -817.000 -188.000) (-398.000 -816.000 -188.000) (-398.000 -816.000 -143.000)
                Error: Bad surface extents (262 x 3)

                IP属地:江西8楼2010-01-07 21:16
                  • 60.215.33.*
                  8 楼,是不是我有个固体有毛病呀?谢谢了啦 我英文不行哦~~~ (出错是家常便饭嘛)

                  9楼2010-01-07 21:23
                    我用vhe3.5 里的地图-- 检查问题 也没有检查到错误啊。怎样找到这个错误的地方啊?谢谢了啦~~~

                    10楼2010-01-07 21:28

                      11楼2010-01-07 21:29
                        好像是 入 纹理吧。。不是很清楚哈

                        IP属地:江西12楼2010-01-07 22:05
                          • 60.215.54.*
                          谢谢2d之神。 我自己琢磨下吧~

                          13楼2010-01-07 23:07

                            14楼2010-01-08 10:47
                              Warning:    ::: Larger than expected texture (306812 bytes)    Wad:wad[\cs_xiang_guan\cs1.5\cstrike\torntextures.wad] Texture[3297:TK_CLAYROOF]

                              IP属地:甘肃15楼2010-01-08 13:09