GOD SAVE ME , BUT DONT DROWN ME OUT IS OUT NOW!!! this video is for anyone laying in their bedroom at 4 am wondering why they aren’t good enough. i wanted to paint a picture of what depression really feels like, where everyone can be screaming at you but you just can’t hear anything at all. i wanted this video to ignite a resemblance or a spark of self love highlight idea that if you ever feel like you can’t go on, it can get better. you are brilliant, you are individual and there has only ever been only one of you and there only ever will be one of you. don’t be afraid to ask for help. everyone has their own inner teddy bear, all gotta do is just let it out. it might just save your life. *
GOD SAVE ME , BUT DONT DROWN ME OUT视频 发布了!!!谨以此片献给所有凌晨四点睡不着,疑惑是不是自己不够好的每一个人。我想展现抑郁的真实感受,每个人都在冲着你尖叫你却听不到。我想用这个视频点燃一些共鸣,或者能在你觉得撑不下去的时候,能让你闪出一丝自爱的想法,一切都会更好。你很棒,你是独立的,自始至终,这个世界的你都是独一无二的。不要害怕去求助,每个人心中都有自己的泰迪熊,把它释放出来就好了。这样也许能拯救你*
GOD SAVE ME , BUT DONT DROWN ME OUT IS OUT NOW!!! this video is for anyone laying in their bedroom at 4 am wondering why they aren’t good enough. i wanted to paint a picture of what depression really feels like, where everyone can be screaming at you but you just can’t hear anything at all. i wanted this video to ignite a resemblance or a spark of self love highlight idea that if you ever feel like you can’t go on, it can get better. you are brilliant, you are individual and there has only ever been only one of you and there only ever will be one of you. don’t be afraid to ask for help. everyone has their own inner teddy bear, all gotta do is just let it out. it might just save your life. *
GOD SAVE ME , BUT DONT DROWN ME OUT视频 发布了!!!谨以此片献给所有凌晨四点睡不着,疑惑是不是自己不够好的每一个人。我想展现抑郁的真实感受,每个人都在冲着你尖叫你却听不到。我想用这个视频点燃一些共鸣,或者能在你觉得撑不下去的时候,能让你闪出一丝自爱的想法,一切都会更好。你很棒,你是独立的,自始至终,这个世界的你都是独一无二的。不要害怕去求助,每个人心中都有自己的泰迪熊,把它释放出来就好了。这样也许能拯救你*