I met this little girl our first visit to a project in Uganda. She loved her pink dress. All day I would see her twirling and hopping and feeling beautiful. And to me, she was a reminder that we are all the same. We are born where we’re born, into our own unique families and situations, we have dreams and goals, we have natural talents and things we aren’t so good at..and all of us need to hear that we mean something to someone. We want to know we’re special, that we can make a difference in the world and be anything we want to be. And every girl in this huge world who I’ve ever met wants to feel loved and adored and beautiful. We all have a dress that makes us want to twirl. Some of us hold in those things and are afraid to show how beautiful we feel. This little lady felt lovely in her best dress she’d gotten for Christmas. Maybe her only dress. And she spinned and twirled and danced her way into my heart. With so little we can make a difference in a life. With a little money, with a little time, we can give hope to someone who’s situation is feeling bleak.