首先说明下,其实这个节目的英文名字有三个,Globe Trekker / Pilot Guides / Lonely Planet,目前已经播了13季,今年是第14季,将近200集了。
Ian Wright和Justine Shapiro是最早的presenters,不过现在已经不太出现了,比较多的是Megan和Zay
经过了多年的努力,我已经收藏了160余集将近60G的Globe Trekker节目,下面节目名字后面有*号的就是我有的收藏~~
Series 1:
1. Indonesia - The Eastern Islands*
2. La Ruta Maya(Belize, Yucatan and Guatemala)*
3. Morocco*
4. Jamaica*
5. Alaska*
6. Pacific Islands: Fiji, Vanuatu & the Solomon Islands*
7. South East Australia*
8. Vietnam*
9. North East Brazil*
10. Ecuador & Galapagos Islands*
11. Japan: Tokyo to Taiwan*
12. North India: Varanasi to the Himalayas*
13. Africa: Zimbabwe, Botswana & Namibia*
Series 2:
1. Israel & the Sinai Desert*
2. Central Asia: Uzbekistan and Kirghistan*
3. South West China*
4. South India*
5. Iceland & Greenland*
6. Turkey*
7. New York*
8. East Africa: Tanzania & Zanzibar*
9. The American Rockies*
10. Chile & Easter Island*
11. Baja California*
12. West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso & Mali*
13. Corsica, Sardinia & Sicily*
Series 3:
1. Syria, Jordan & Lebanon*
2. Ethiopia*
3. Cuba & Haiti*
4. Pakistan*
5. Outback Australia*
6. South West USA*
7. Trekking in Uganda & The Congo*
8. Argentina*
9. South Africa & Lesotho*
10. Philippines*
11. Peru*
12. Northern Spain*
13. Hungary & Romania*
首先说明下,其实这个节目的英文名字有三个,Globe Trekker / Pilot Guides / Lonely Planet,目前已经播了13季,今年是第14季,将近200集了。
Ian Wright和Justine Shapiro是最早的presenters,不过现在已经不太出现了,比较多的是Megan和Zay
经过了多年的努力,我已经收藏了160余集将近60G的Globe Trekker节目,下面节目名字后面有*号的就是我有的收藏~~
Series 1:
1. Indonesia - The Eastern Islands*
2. La Ruta Maya(Belize, Yucatan and Guatemala)*
3. Morocco*
4. Jamaica*
5. Alaska*
6. Pacific Islands: Fiji, Vanuatu & the Solomon Islands*
7. South East Australia*
8. Vietnam*
9. North East Brazil*
10. Ecuador & Galapagos Islands*
11. Japan: Tokyo to Taiwan*
12. North India: Varanasi to the Himalayas*
13. Africa: Zimbabwe, Botswana & Namibia*
Series 2:
1. Israel & the Sinai Desert*
2. Central Asia: Uzbekistan and Kirghistan*
3. South West China*
4. South India*
5. Iceland & Greenland*
6. Turkey*
7. New York*
8. East Africa: Tanzania & Zanzibar*
9. The American Rockies*
10. Chile & Easter Island*
11. Baja California*
12. West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso & Mali*
13. Corsica, Sardinia & Sicily*
Series 3:
1. Syria, Jordan & Lebanon*
2. Ethiopia*
3. Cuba & Haiti*
4. Pakistan*
5. Outback Australia*
6. South West USA*
7. Trekking in Uganda & The Congo*
8. Argentina*
9. South Africa & Lesotho*
10. Philippines*
11. Peru*
12. Northern Spain*
13. Hungary & Romania*