【6】塔那格拉女神庙建造筹款 SEG 43.212 约公元前200年 铭文记载了修建女神庙前的神谕以及筹款细则,并列举参与筹款的妇女姓名。 - “since, when the city consulted the oracle concerning the temple ofDemeterandKorē, whether it would be best for theTanagraiansto let the goddessesstaywhere they are now, or to move them into the area of Euameria or into the city,Apolloreplied: 'Receive the goddesses into the suburbs, adorning yourselves with fine wreaths; and pray to the goddesses themselves while you do this;'”
【5】雅典对秘仪负责人的表彰 Syll 540;IG Ⅱ2 847 约公元前214年 - “since the superintendents of the mysteries, who were appointed for the year in which Diokles was archon, have performed the appropriate sacrifices during the year to Demeter and Korē and to the other gods as is traditional, on behalf of the council and the people and their children and wives, and they always sacrificed the preparatory offerings and they prepared the carriage for the transport of the sacred objects out of their own resources” - 类似“按传统向德墨忒尔和科瑞献祭”的描述在法令铭文中反复出现,另参考Syll 400;Syll 485;Syll 661
“and they took care of the procession to the sea and the reception of Iakchos at Eleusis; similarly they took care of the mysteries at Agra, which occurred twice during the year, because the Eleusinian mysteries were celebrated; and after sacrificing a bull at Eleusis, they distributed the meat to the council of 650” - 在厄琉息斯举行了出海和接回伊阿科斯的游行,秘仪活动举行了两次。一头公牛被献祭。
【7】厄琉息斯对两位忒拜籍居民的表彰 I Eleusis 70 约公元前四世纪中期 铭文记载了两位忒拜籍居民在厄琉息斯的宗教贡献。 - “and when the Eleusinians conducted the Dionysia he was enthusiastic and honour-loving towards the gods and the Athenian People and the Eleusinians,so that the Dionysia should be as fine as possible,and having provided at his own expense two choruses, one of boys, the other of men,he donated them to Demeter and Kore and Dionysos” - 厄琉息斯举行了酒神节,一位忒拜籍居民自费准备了两支合唱队,献给两位女神和酒神。