摘要: 介绍了渤海大学的物理化学课程在钉钉平台进行线上授课的主要举措及经验。通过整个学期的实践可知,所构建的“简单–详细–归纳”的模块化教学模式有利于不同自学能力的学生与不同层次的教学相匹配,我问你答式的视频归纳课可以充分调动学生的学习积极性,有利于教学相长和师生互动的完美实现。在细致透明的教学管理、形影相随的过程考核的双重保障下,整个学期的课程总目标达成度达80%以上,分目标达成度均在60%以上,这为相关教学提供了借鉴。 关键词: 在线教学, 物理化学, 钉钉平台, 模块教学 Abstract: The main measures and experiences of online physical chemistry teaching through Ding Talk platform in Bohai University was introduced. Through the practice of the whole semester, it can be seen that the modular teaching mode of "simplicity-detail-induction" constructed by physical chemistry teaching team is conducive to match students with different self-learning abilities with different levels of teaching. The question-and-answer video induction class can fully arouse students' learning enthusiasm, which is favorable for the perfect realization of teaching and teacher-student interaction. With the double guarantee of meticulous and transparent teaching management and the accompanying process assessment, the overall goal achievement degree of the whole semester reached beyond 80%, and the sub-goal achievement degree reached over 60%, which provided reference for relevant teaching. Key words: Online teaching, Physical chemistry, Ding Talk, Modular teaching MSC2000: G64