第四集 (婴儿传染病的那集) Ethics and parenting were the themes this week, the former just hinted at while the latter was stated rather blatantly — especially in House’s overdone diatribe against antibiotics. The final diagnosis and the path to reach that decision all made good sense, and there was barely any random jumping from idea to idea this episode. The medicine seemed sound and logical (though I’ll happily admit that neonatology is not my specialty). I was surprised that they “forgot” that babies initially share their mother’ antibodies, since that was the “a-ha!” moment of the second episode. 论理与父母之爱的抉择是本周的主题,前者略有暗示而后者则表现得很明显——特别是当豪斯决定停用抗生素的时候。最后的诊断及其诊断的过程都很合乎逻辑,中间几乎看不到毫无道理的跳跃性推理。医疗部分很合情合理(尽管我会很痛快地承认新生儿专科不是我的特长),不过我有点奇怪他们“忘记”了新生儿在出生后受到母亲的免疫系统保护这个现象,这可是第二集里豪斯灵光一闪的时刻啊。 Robert Sean Leonard’s character (oncologist Dr. Wilson) is growing on me, as is the previously-quiet Dr. Chase (James Spenser). This was a strong character episode for Dr. Cameron (Jennifer Morrison). Wilson让我越来越着迷,还有那个之前默默无闻的Chase,Cameron在这一集里也表现她坚强的一面。 As an aside, we saw that not only do the Young Gun doctors run every test and procedure themselves (notice that they ran the MRI, ran the laboratory equipment and drew the blood), but Dr. House himself has the same compulsion (and where did he get credentials to do autopsies?). 除了上述内容,我们看见了不仅仅小鸭子们负责做每个测试(做MRI,在实验室里测试病毒,抽血),豪斯他也亲自下场做了测试。(不过他何时搞到许可做解剖的?) Best line of the season so far! Dr. House to patient: Sometimes the best thank-you is never having to see you again. 到目前我最喜欢的一句台词,豪斯:对我最好的感谢就是不要让我再看见你。(翻译:也许作者低估了豪斯对“与病人接触”的厌恶程度。)
第五集 I wasn’t as enthralled by this week’s House as I have been previous episodes. It was still an engrossing medical mystery; the character elements just seemed superficial this week. First, I was misled by the TV schedule which suggested that the mystery was going to involve stigmata. That sounded intriguing and I was looking forward to discovering what diagnosis Dr. House would pin on bleeding palms. Unfortunately, the episode did not deal with stigmata, although it did focus on a nun. This particular nun had a wide variety of puzzling symptoms which some of the other nuns at her monastery (and I always thought monks lived in monasteries while nuns lived in convents) thought she was simp*1y a hypochondriac. For the second week in a row, lessons learned in previous episodes were forgotten as the solution to this week’s mystery involved two separate and unrelated diagnoses — which violates the principle of Occam’s Razor. 相比于前面几集,我并不是很欣赏这周的豪斯医生。其医学谜团依然很吸引人,但是却并没有涉及太多的神秘符号。(我想其)主要原因是我被电视预告里面关于“圣痕”的部分误导了,我的兴趣都集中在了豪斯将会如何研究修女手上的红斑,没想到后面却没有提到多少。这个和其它修女一起住在寺院中的修女(我觉得僧侣才是生活在寺院里,而修女应该是生活在修道院里)的症状确实很怪异。不过正如在之前的剧集里面曾经提到过:尽量不要用两个不相关的诊断来解释病人的症状——这可是违反奥卡姆剃刀原则的。 The main character moment involved Dr. Chase, who was revealed to have been studying for the priesthood at one time. Other than that, the character moments were few and far-between. Sure, there were nunѕ,and but that was pretty much a shortcut the writers used to suggest a deeper meaning to the episode instead of actually writing a deeper meaning. On the plus side, there was at least one Sound of Music joke. 本集中最有特点的小鸭子是Chase医生,在剧中揭示了他曾经在神学院学习的事情,除此之外,其他的角色就毫无光彩了。是的,本集涉及到了修女,但是(修女)更像是编剧用来增加本集“内涵”的投机取巧而不是表述什么实际的“内涵”。略微好点的是,本集至少有一个笑话是来自《音乐之声》。 一年后重评论这集: This episode of House, “Damned If You Do,” is a repeat of one of the early episodes from last season. My review at the time was fairly brief. I stand by it, but I thought I’d take a second look at the episode, particularly the medicine. As usual, there are some significant spoilers in the review… 今天我重新看了豪斯医生的第一季第五集《罪有应得》,上次我的评论非常的简洁,那并没有什么不好,不过我想我应该重新对这集中的医疗部分做些评论,不喜欢剧透的童鞋可以不看下面的部分。 ——————————————我是了不起的防止剧透的分割线—————————— House’s final clinic patient of the day is Sister Augustine, a nun complaining of a rash on her hands. He diagnoses her with contact dermatitis and recommends an over-the-counter antihistamine and a topical steroid cream. Shortly after taking the antihistamine, Sister Augustine develops severe wheezing. House gives her a shot of epinephrine; it restores her breathing, but unfortunately it knocks her into cardiac arrest. Epinephrine is the medical name for the hormone adrenalin. Sister Augustine is successfully resuscitated and admitted to the hospital.