a bit of taeny info from the party: when Ty sends SMS to fany, she calls fany 예쁜이 which means pretty one!
泰花生日Party出现TaeNy. 泰花给柏妮发短信.她叫柏妮예쁜이 意思就是漂亮的
and sunny thinks taeyeon is the best singer among members of all girl groups
Taeyeon had a sore throat from last thursday, so she had to lip sync on recent stages.
泰花上星期四嗓子不是很舒服 所以最近的舞台她都是对嘴型的
At the party, there were Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny, Sooyoung, and Yoona. As soon as party's over, Yoona had to go to FO2 recording.
柏妮 忙内 太阳 长腿和允宝出席了泰花的Party. 一旦Party结束 允宝就去录制家族诞生了
According to Taeyeon birthday party accounts, Dark Soshi MV is done very well, has something futuristic and amajing. Expect more accounts.
跟据在泰妍生日Party的情况来说, 黑soshi的mv已经结束拍摄 而且非常好. 有不少新潮的意识 请敬请期待
泰花生日Party出现TaeNy. 泰花给柏妮发短信.她叫柏妮예쁜이 意思就是漂亮的
and sunny thinks taeyeon is the best singer among members of all girl groups
Taeyeon had a sore throat from last thursday, so she had to lip sync on recent stages.
泰花上星期四嗓子不是很舒服 所以最近的舞台她都是对嘴型的
At the party, there were Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny, Sooyoung, and Yoona. As soon as party's over, Yoona had to go to FO2 recording.
柏妮 忙内 太阳 长腿和允宝出席了泰花的Party. 一旦Party结束 允宝就去录制家族诞生了
According to Taeyeon birthday party accounts, Dark Soshi MV is done very well, has something futuristic and amajing. Expect more accounts.
跟据在泰妍生日Party的情况来说, 黑soshi的mv已经结束拍摄 而且非常好. 有不少新潮的意识 请敬请期待