雪姬,U are the apple of my eyes .
雪姬,U are the 周边 of my hands .
雪姬, u are the candy of my mouth.
雪姬,u are the 菜姐 of the 江湖。
雪姬,U are the soul of 爽歪歪。
I aways ask myself who is 雪姬?but it is no answer.
on 1991/3/9 the baby is coming to the earth ,I know the times is coming .
what is "the times"? 蛋疼时代。
耶~NOW she is a great ,we call her "菜姐“,and I LOVE the girl very much.
the world may change my whole life through , but nothing's gonna change our friendship.
It's really true as steel.
maybe 和谐社会will be over ,but the times will go on......
love has joined us ,let's think sweet love~ ~
At last ,I'll give the kiss just for 雪姬~CHU~~~~
雪姬,U are the apple of my eyes .
雪姬,U are the 周边 of my hands .
雪姬, u are the candy of my mouth.
雪姬,u are the 菜姐 of the 江湖。
雪姬,U are the soul of 爽歪歪。
I aways ask myself who is 雪姬?but it is no answer.
on 1991/3/9 the baby is coming to the earth ,I know the times is coming .
what is "the times"? 蛋疼时代。
耶~NOW she is a great ,we call her "菜姐“,and I LOVE the girl very much.
the world may change my whole life through , but nothing's gonna change our friendship.
It's really true as steel.
maybe 和谐社会will be over ,but the times will go on......
love has joined us ,let's think sweet love~ ~
At last ,I'll give the kiss just for 雪姬~CHU~~~~