《Bury the Light》 《埋葬光辉》 Immortal temptation takes over my mind 不朽的诱惑侵蚀我的魂魄 Condemned 却也让我备受心灵的谴责 Falling weak on my knees 虚弱地跪倒在地 Summon the strength of mayhem 召唤出毁灭之力 I am the storm that is approaching 我是即将降临的暴风雨 Provoking black clouds in isolation 只身卷起苍穹中的乌云 I am reclaimer of my name 我将再次昭示我的存在 Born in flames, I have been blessed 浴火重生,顶礼膜拜 My family crest is a demon of death 死神的纹章相传世代 Forsakened, I am awakened 从噩梦中惊醒时我已被遗弃 A phoenix's ash in dark divine 如同凤凰的灰烬般坠落在地 Descending misery 支离破碎的苦痛折磨着身体 Destiny chasing time 逆转命运的步伐却未曾停息 Inherit the nightmare, surrounded by fate 背负着诅咒与厄运 Can't run away 切断了所有的退路 Keep walking the line, between the light 于光影斑驳中蹒跚前进 Led astray 却不曾想早已误入歧途 Through vacant halls I won't surrender 穿越空虚的礼堂,我永不会投降 The truth revealed in eyes of ember 燃起余烬的双眼,望穿层层真相 We fight through fire and ice forever 伴随冰火的交织,我们厮杀不止 Two souls, once lost, and now they remember 曾经迷失的双魂,如今铭记彼此 I am the storm that is approaching 我是即将降临的暴风雨 Provoking black clouds in isolation 只身卷起苍穹中的乌云 I am reclaimer of my name 我将再次昭示我的存在 Born in flames, I have been blessed 浴火重生,顶礼膜拜 My family crest is a demon of death 死神的纹章相传世代 Forsakened, I am awakened 从噩梦中惊醒时我已被遗弃 A phoenix's ash in dark divine 如同凤凰的灰烬般坠落在地 Descending misery 支离破碎的苦痛折磨着身体 Destiny chasing time 逆转命运的步伐却未曾停息 Disappear into the night 无声无息地消失于黑夜 Lost shadows left behind 过往的阴霾被尽数抛却 Obsession's pulling me 合并的夙愿支撑我的步伐 Fading, I've come to take what's mine 我终将取回属于我的一切 Lurking in the shadows under veil of night 瘦削的身影在夜幕下湮没 Constellations of blood pirouette 杀戮的图腾于肌肤上交错 Dancing through the graves of those who stand at my feet 旅途中妄加阻挠的已被一一攻克 Dreams of the black throne I keep on repeat 脑海里挥之不去的是那黑暗王座 A derelict of dark, summoned from the ashes 弃置的邪恶自灰烬中被召唤 The puppet master congregates all the masses 傀儡师聚集了他的魔宠同伴 Pulling strings, twisting minds as blades hit 暗影射出尖刺,梦魇扭曲心智 You want this power then come try and take it 想要这份力量?那就尽管试试
Beyond the tree 离树不远的地方 Fire burns 烈火吞噬童年的楼房 Secret love 不复存在的母爱 Bloodline yearns 深深刻入恸哭的血脉 Dark minds embrace 千疮百孔的魂魄 Crimson joy 已然浸透鲜血与罪恶 Does your dim heart 黯淡无光的心扉 Heal or destroy 是被救赎还是被摧毁 Bury the light deep within 埋葬心底最后的,一缕光辉 Cast aside, there's no coming home 抛却一切,我们已无家可归 We're burning chaos in the wind 燃烧混沌,迎着呼啸的狂风 Drifting in the ocean all alone 在无尽的汪洋里,浪迹余生