as9100吧 关注:10贴子:33
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ZHSJ - the only counseling institution in China(
"AS" is a quality program requirement by "Aerospace and Defense and some Governmental Agencies" companies if you want to do business with them.
AS6081 is for counterfeit control for aftermarket electronic components.
Step 1: ZHSJ Analysis - We will review your existing processes and compare to the AS6081 standard.
You need to have AS9120 or AS9100 Certification as well since AS6081 compliments the process.
Step 2: Documentation - We will create Procedures, Quality Manual and Forms to meet Standard's requirements
Step 3: Implementation - Training of employees on procedures, Forms and objectives
Step 4: Internal Audit and Registrar Audit - We will conduct an Internal Audit to insure compliance to Standard (AS6081) and Schedule Audit with the appropriate Certification Registrar.

IP属地:广东1楼2021-04-18 14:52回复
    目前在中国,纵横世纪是中国(含香港)唯一家辅导培训并通过AS6081、AS6496 、AS5553、 CAAP-101 、AS6171的专业咨询机构,2017年以来我们用了7年时间翻译以上所有相关的支持标准100多份,2020年年始以来,纵横世纪一直与美国NQA审核机构联系沟通,并与国际实验室与中国知名品牌电子元器件检测室多次洽谈与沟通标准与流程,最终于2023年开始首个引进USA-NQA来中国审核项目在-HK,并积极推动USA-NQA与SNQA进程展开国内审核;
    目前 HK有两家通过认证,在中国预计2024年8月有两家,12月前有2家审核通过,

    IP属地:广东2楼2024-08-11 09:58