I agreed with everybody (sorry for not properly crediting you guys) that thinks that there's more in this relationship than just a show. I for myself can tell from their eyes, and considering the fact that Seohyun is considered still very innocent and never had any relationship prior to this one (hell, she doesn't even know the difference between love and like !) her eyes just said it all. I don't know if you guys noticed it or not, but on the 4th episode (I forgot to bring this up the last time I'm here), at the cafe before they went to the music store, it was Seohyun that brings up the topic that they never met in the music shows, and when Yonghwa said that he saw her, she looked disappointed (to my opinion it was because Yonghwa did not said anything to her when he saw her). Also on the 5th episode, she was really disappointed that Yonghwa did not come to SNSD concert, and insisted that he should come to their next show, which is in Thailand, and even made him promises to come ! If she didn't think of Yonghwa as "someone special" I don't think she would acted like so. Remember, she was this mature-magnae, yet she loses all her maturity as she met up with Yonghwa. Maybe it's because Yonghwa was and is such a gentleman that always takes care of her and always makes her comfortable in any situation.