我这边好像找到原因了,Shahur星系有BUG,我就是在Shahur星系退的游戏,然后再也上不去了。。有办法能恢复么。。 I hadn't last night, not sure if I have it to be honest, Im a noob as it were, tried it just now though and same result, through a bit more digging, it sounds like theres a game breaking bug in the Shahur system, pretty much if you crash/blow up/bluescreen/buy stuff/sell stuff, do anything in that system and you risk locking yourself out.. @Planewalker, I don't get a crash log that states anything like "Orange Sidewinder" or what not... just a windows crash report. Unfortunately it looks like ill be restarting.. 3 days of weekend time and I can likely make up for what was lost as a newbie, just annoying.