Secret Scene: Rob
Coach deems Boston Rob one of the greatest heroes from Arthurian legend
(Day 17)
Rob: Man, I need to get a name.
Coach: You need to get a name? I've already given you a name. You're not gonna like it. (Rob asks what it is) I told you, man. If you told your alliance, great. It's the Knights of the Round Table, great. Just humor me, this is what I like to do, OK? (Rob agrees) I nicknamed you, one of the first days, Lancelot, because he is the greatest of all knights.
Rob: Lancelot?
Coach: Sir Lancelot. I'm serious, man. You might not like it, but I gave that you because you're so awesome in the challenges.
Rob: It's alright, man. I don't mind that so much.
Coach: I did that in honor. I did that to give you honor.
Rob: Thank you.
Rob (solo): I came in here with an opinion of Coach. I saw him play in his season. I really think Coach is a pathological liar. He truly believes what he says. I don't think Coach is a knight from the Round Table. I don't think he's a soldier. Somebody needs to tell him there's no such thing as dragons. (Rob asks Coach to show him some of the yoga moves) He's a little kid trapped in an adult body, I think. (Rob tries to do the moves as Coach continues) However, Coach has grown on me. He's a simple guy to figure out. He thinks he's a lot more complex and deep than he really is, but he's not. I respect Coach. I think he's a good guy. I just don't buy everything he's selling.
(Coach and Rob high five)
Coach: We're gonna win.
Rob: You know it.
Coach: We'll be in the final 2, alright?
Rob: Yeah, man.
Coach deems Boston Rob one of the greatest heroes from Arthurian legend
(Day 17)
Rob: Man, I need to get a name.
Coach: You need to get a name? I've already given you a name. You're not gonna like it. (Rob asks what it is) I told you, man. If you told your alliance, great. It's the Knights of the Round Table, great. Just humor me, this is what I like to do, OK? (Rob agrees) I nicknamed you, one of the first days, Lancelot, because he is the greatest of all knights.
Rob: Lancelot?
Coach: Sir Lancelot. I'm serious, man. You might not like it, but I gave that you because you're so awesome in the challenges.
Rob: It's alright, man. I don't mind that so much.
Coach: I did that in honor. I did that to give you honor.
Rob: Thank you.
Rob (solo): I came in here with an opinion of Coach. I saw him play in his season. I really think Coach is a pathological liar. He truly believes what he says. I don't think Coach is a knight from the Round Table. I don't think he's a soldier. Somebody needs to tell him there's no such thing as dragons. (Rob asks Coach to show him some of the yoga moves) He's a little kid trapped in an adult body, I think. (Rob tries to do the moves as Coach continues) However, Coach has grown on me. He's a simple guy to figure out. He thinks he's a lot more complex and deep than he really is, but he's not. I respect Coach. I think he's a good guy. I just don't buy everything he's selling.
(Coach and Rob high five)
Coach: We're gonna win.
Rob: You know it.
Coach: We'll be in the final 2, alright?
Rob: Yeah, man.