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【S20】Ep7 未播出的insider,文字版



1楼2010-04-03 18:30回复
    Secret Scene: Rob
    Coach deems Boston Rob one of the greatest heroes from Arthurian legend
    (Day 17)
    Rob: Man, I need to get a name.
    Coach: You need to get a name? I've already given you a name. You're not gonna like it. (Rob asks what it is)   I told you, man. If you told your alliance, great. It's the Knights of the Round Table, great. Just humor me, this is what I like to do, OK? (Rob agrees) I nicknamed you, one of the first days, Lancelot, because he is the greatest of all knights.
    Rob: Lancelot?
    Coach: Sir Lancelot. I'm serious, man. You might not like it, but I gave that you because you're so awesome in the challenges.
    Rob: It's alright, man. I don't mind that so much.
    Coach: I did that in honor. I did that to give you honor.
    Rob: Thank you.
    Rob (solo): I came in here with an opinion of Coach. I saw him play in his season. I really think Coach is a pathological liar. He truly believes what he says. I don't think Coach is a knight from the Round Table. I don't think he's a soldier. Somebody needs to tell him there's no such thing as dragons. (Rob asks Coach to show him some of the yoga moves) He's a little kid trapped in an adult body, I think. (Rob tries to do the moves as Coach continues) However, Coach has grown on me. He's a simple guy to figure out. He thinks he's a lot more complex and deep than he really is, but he's not. I respect Coach. I think he's a good guy. I just don't buy everything he's selling.
    (Coach and Rob high five)
    Coach: We're gonna win.
    Rob: You know it.
    Coach: We'll be in the final 2, alright?
    Rob: Yeah, man.

    2楼2010-04-03 18:34
      Tribal Council Voting
      Find out what each tribe member had to say as they cast their votes
      Danielle (Rob): Dude, you were my Boston buddy. We were supposed to go all the way together. You betrayed me, you broke my trust way too early in the game, you came in playing way too hard. I'm so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me. We'll get a beer sometime.
      Coach (Courtney, with a 1 or an I on his left hand corner): I made a plea for the tribe to remain strong. It's gonna fall on deaf ears. You guys are digging your own grave. Nobody's gonna listen to me.
      Rob (Russell): It's game over. It's either you or me. We'll see how loyal Coach is.
      Jerri (Rob with a sad face): Is this truly the vote that I want to place? No, it's not. Courtney should be the name that I've written down, but I'm making a choice tonight to align with certain people in hopes that this choice will be right for me in the end. Rob, I'm sorry that it ended up like this. I really wanted to play the game with you. <folds vote> Even though you tried to throw me under the bus at least 3 times.
      Russell (Rob): You said I got on the wrong train. I don't know where your train's going, but I'm going further in the game. By the way, you shouldn't mess with my girl like that. Don't mess with my friends.
      Courtney (Russell): This tribe's a hot mess. (makes her card do a little dance) Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
      Parvati (Rob): Not all of us can be your Amber. Sorry, Charlie.
      Sandra (Russell with a smile): I warned you at last Tribal Council that this Tribal Council would be your last one. I worked tirelessly to make sure that you take your tail home. Adios, goodbye.

      3楼2010-04-03 18:34
        The Heroes Unite
        Colby reflects on winning and staying united as a tribe of five
        "I can only speak for myself, but a win like this today not only buys me a little more time, but it relieves the tension around camp. I'm certainly not going to be strategizing with anyone today. My conversation is going to be general topics and genuine interest in my tribemates. We don't have to worry about Tribal Council, especially when we're down to bare bones of a tribe. We have 5 left; half of the members we started with are gone. Victory is imperative, but more importantly, we all feel really good about those that are left. It's easy to be a team with these other 4, because I like 'em. You hate to lose as many players as we have, but the reality is we now have our tribe in about the best shape we can be in in terms of competing."
        Survivor Trivia Game
        Amanda shares a trivia game that her tribe of five played throughout the day to pass the time
        "We were bored around camp so we started playing a Survivor trivia game. Like who's the hottest Survivor, who's the funniest Survivor. It's fun to see everyone's take on the previous Survivors. There's been so many, there's been like 301 previous Survivors. That's a lot of people to make fun of, including ourselves."
        "We asked Rupert who the hottest Survivor was, and of course he said me and Candice, but he's like, 'I'm married, can't say!' He wouldn't tell us. I'm really curious to see who he thinks the hottest Survivor is."
        "It's funny the games you come up with when you're bored out here. We made a deck of cards and we've been playing cards, playing trivia games, how many animals you can think of that start with the letter A. Certain things like that."

        5楼2010-04-03 18:36
          Search for the Idol
          Amanda brings Candice to tears when she accuses her of being in possession of the hidden immunity idol
          (Night 16)
          (Rupert tries to get into the shelter)
          JT: There's room this way. If you need to come this way, tell us.
          Candice: Amanda, how are you?
          Amanda: I'm fine.
          Rupert: I'm not laying down. You guys scoot back together. I'm sitting here the rest of the night.
          Rupert (solo): That darn hidden immunity idol. Paranoia was getting me. Everybody else was sleeping. I'm out of camp. I'm going to try to find that darn thing. We'll see what happens.
          (Candice leaves the shelter)
          Amanda (solo): I saw Candice leave. I don't trust her at all right now.
          (the next morning, Rupert and Amanda look in the jungle for the idol)
          Amanda: Maybe this is where she knew it was.
          Rupert: Yeah, we all did.
          Amanda: I mean, she has to have it.
          (Candice joins them)
          Candice: I find it strange that we said we were all gonna wait and then in the morning you come down here by yourself.
          Amanda: That's because you were out for like 2 hours last night.
          Candice: I wasn't, but I'd like to see you guys empty your pockets right now.
          Amanda: You can try to finesse all you want but I know you have it.
          Candice: I don't have it.
          Amanda (voiceover): In the middle of the night, Candice was up for a long time. She got the idol and I'm mad. Now she's denying it like I'm stupid. That makes me even more mad.
          (back at the shelter)
          Amanda: You know I don't have it. And I know you have it.
          (Candice begins to cry)
          Amanda: Don't cry. I'm sorry, I really am sorry. (Amanda hugs Candice)
          Candice (solo): No matter what comes up at camp, I always feel like Amanda's watching me. She's always wary of me and what I'm doing. It's tough because I'm not doing anything shady. I'm trying to hang on right now. I'm not in a position of power. I'm the one whose next to go.
          Candice: I don't know if JT got up but he said he did. I'm afraid to say anything about JT because he's always right about everything. He's always in with everybody.
          Amanda: Yeah...
          Candice: Right. Isn't he in with you?
          Amanda: Isn't he in with you?
          Candice: (nodding) Isn't he in with Rupert? Isn't he in with Colby?
          Amanda (solo): It's becoming apparently clear that JT is in the middle and he kind of has ties to everyone here. Now Candice is like I see what's happening, you see what's happening, maybe we can work together and change this game up.
          Candice: Anything happens, anything goes down, we know whose got to go. (jokingly) And I still don't trust you.
          Amanda: (jokingly) I still don't trust you.
          Candice: You skanky little ho.
          (Amanda laughs)

          7楼2010-04-03 18:40
            One With the Jungle
            Coach takes a trek into the jungle to reflect on the state of his tribe
            "I love this jungle. Look at this. I'm one with the jungle out here. I'll be jungle boy, King Arthur, I don't care, because I love this. I'm one with the environment out here. Live off the land, sleep in a cave, sleep in a hole, I don't need anybody else out here. Just me. Yes, I love the jungle, love the ocean, any place out in the environment like this, seems like I just kind of come into my own. King Arthur is gonna start taking care of himself out here. Forget about these other people that crack open coconuts and catch crabs and eat 'em themselves. We haven't had a team meal for like a week. I'm gonna go out and get my own coconuts, I can crack 'em better than anybody else, get a whole chunk of meat like this, just feed myself. Forget about the rest of the tribe. Bunch of cowards anyway. Cowards and fools. That's what I'm surrounded with."
            The Fantastic Five
            Rupert cheers for his tribe's latest immunity challenge victory, revealing what he believes lead to their much-needed win
            "The challenge today was wonderful. When this morning we got Treemail telling us it's a battle with a puzzle ending. I knew that's our last hurdle to go over, to beat them, to show them we are that fantastic five and we can now do puzzles."
            "We showed up today as a united team. We showed them strength in power and unity. Even standing on the mats they saw it. When the challenge started and the 3 of us had to climb the spider web and run the trampoline. I have to say I was glad I didn't have to do a third one, because that second drop, I didn't really get my feet from under me and I could feel my foot just crumbling."
            "It took all I had to jump off that trampoline and run off that camp and let Candice and Colby finish that darn thing up. The Villains were done too. We beat 'em head and shoulders in the physical side and now in the puzzle side also. We have 'em on their heels and they know it."
            "After we got back from our run, after I saw we had a great lead, and I saw JT and Amanda put that puzzle together, start unwrapping the bags, laying the pieces out, watching the Villains still having bags at their feet and not really paying attention. Seeing our guys working each side. We had Amanda working the palm trees, JT working the skull and crossbones, working to the middle, helping each other, working as a team. I see Boston Rob and Sandra. Sandra's just kind of standing there, looking around, flipping pieces over, Boston Rob kind of sweating a little bit. Then I hear Jeff making it better. The Villains might be up, no, the Villains are doing bad, the Heroes are on top, the Heroes have the advantage, Boston Rob is slipping! I was like, say it, Jeff, say it. It was wonderful."

            8楼2010-04-03 18:41
              So Long, Boston Rob
              Russell ponders why Boston Rob chose to align himself with weak players, which will ultimately be his downfall
              "When I get rid of Rob, the girls will have the numbers, but I also think about that Rob is after me. So it doesn't matter. I'll be gone with the girls a week from now or I'll be gone with Rob 3 days from now. Rob's after me. Immediately. He wants me gone now. So gotta rid of him. He keeps telling me, 'Good luck,' kinda smirking at me. 'Oh, you got the idol, you're a better player, gimme five.' Confident. He's always confident. I just look at him and in the back of my mind I think, this fool doesn't even know what's happening. I'm gonna take him out like Mike Tyson."
              "He got on the wrong train, like he keeps telling everybody else. He should have jumped on my back. He should have let me carry him the whole way. He didn't. He decided to go with the 2 weakest girls in camp, maybe the 2 weakest girls in Survivor history, Courtney and Sandra. He got on that bandwagon, instead of staying with the strong people. He's gonna go home tonight. Go home, visit your kid. You need to be home anyway, you got a newborn. You shouldn't even be out here."

              9楼2010-04-03 18:42

                IP属地:上海10楼2010-04-03 18:47
                  说句不好听的 Coach就是想当XX还想立贞节牌坊 他说相信谁谁就倒霉

                  11楼2010-04-03 18:49

                    Colby on the Reward
                    Colby comments on the lush reward that his tribe enjoyed after winning the challenge
                    "I'm back. Man, I'm back. This is the old Colby. The old Colby's back at it, no fat suit today. I gotta tell you, we won the challenge, we come and have an unbelievable feast waiting for us. I'm as giddy as a fat kid with a pudding pop."
                    "Any chance you get to get away from camp and escape from the reality that is this game is always welcome. It wasn't too far from the challenge that we stumbled upon this unbelievable waterfall. The river's beautiful. This whole region is very tropical. We could hear the fall long before we got to it. We finally came up over a ridge and there it was. We were all in awe of the fall for a little bit, and that's quickly where our attention went. You would think this being my third adventure, my third trip, I would learn something over the years, but clearly I'm a slow learner, because I immediately began feeding my face. Within 15 minutes not only was I stuffed, but my stomach was killing me. I'm a fool. I just want to go to sleep, right now. My gut hurts so bad. It was worth it. You don't get these very often, if you're lucky. I'll feel better tomorrow. It was worth the pain today. I'll let my food settle for a little bit..."
                    "The perfect way to cap off a tremendous day all around. I'm very proud to be a hero today."
                    A Pitiful Performance
                    Russell criticizes his tribe for their weak effort in the immunity challenge
                    "We just got back from our immunity challenge and got our butts kicked. I sat out this one, they wanted me to sit out this one, so I did. Coach and Rob are the team captains, so I just do whatever they want me to do. That's how I'm going to play for now. That's how I'm going to play for a little bit. Rob got his butt kicked by JT and Amanda. It was basically done by himself because Sandra wasn't doing anything on the puzzle. Rob and Sandra had half the puzzle left when they finished. Everyone says Rob's so good at puzzles -- I don't see it. That kind of puzzle is what a 9 year old does. Just a little puzzle. He was confused. He does not know how to do puzzles. Every puzzle we've done is as a team. He's out there hollering. Just because he's out there hollering when you find the right spot and he agrees with it doesn't mean he's the one that's good at puzzles. He got his butt kicked today. Courtney looked like she was about to break in half out there. It was a pitiful performance. One of the most pitiful performances I have ever seen. It was ridiculous. We looked like a bunch of dumbasses out there."

                    12楼2010-04-03 18:55
                      Courtney on Sandra
                      "I love everything about Sandra. I always have. I liked her in her season, I thought she was hilarious, I liked her as soon as we got out here, I knew I wanted to team up with her and I was really glad we were on the same team. I think she is the funniest person. She's like, 'Oh, Jerri thinks she's slick, Jerri thinks she's slick, well, we're through with Jerri.' It's like, 'Uh-unh, they're not gonna do this.' And it's all about getting even too. She's like, 'Where are Danielle's socks? Those are Rob's socks.' Which is true. Danielle lost her socks, blames all of us for losing them, she thinks we all burned them for some reason. Rob gave her his extra pair of socks and now she's trying to vote Rob out every 2 seconds. Sandra's like, 'If I was him I'd take back those socks.' So Sandra keeps trying to seal Rob's socks on Rob's behalf, and Rob keeps giving them back, because he's the nicest person. She just cracks me up. Everything is all about eye for an eye."
                      "I do not want Sandra on my bad side. I will do whatever it takes to keep her on my good side, just because she's ridiculous. (laughs) "

                      13楼2010-04-03 18:56

                        15楼2010-04-03 19:09


                          16楼2010-04-03 19:12
                            Rob 555555555555

                            17楼2010-04-03 19:28

                              Secret Scene: Rob
                              Coach认为 Boston Rob 是亚瑟王传奇中最棒的一个英雄
                              coach:你要获得一个名字?我已经给你一个名字。你不会喜欢它。 (rob问这是什么)我告诉你,伙计
                              。那是圆桌骑士,搞笑一下,我喜欢这样做,怎么样? (rob同意)我给你起了绰号,兰斯洛特,因为他
                              告诉他有没有龙这种东西。 他只是一个小孩被困在一个成年人的身体里。但是,我渐渐开始觉得他人其

                              18楼2010-04-03 19:28