Britini is thinking Kyland/Whitney to bring into their slaughterhouse alliance, then mentions Tiffany, now they're discussing having a 7 person alliance. #bb23 7个人了笑死
Britini & Frenchie are talking a potential alliance of Britini, Frenchie, Derek F, Azah, Kyland, Whitney, Tiffany.. she thinks there hasn't been a 7 person alliance in the past, and she likes that idea #bb23 来吧,创造奇迹吧,devin最多九个,你们可以弄个十个
Britini- Is seven too much for you? Frenchie- If it was Whitney and Tiffany, I wouldn't mind it. Britini- Me, you, Big D, Azah, Kyland, Whitney, Tiffany. That's a lineup. Frenchie- We will pull everybody up tonight. Britini- That way we are pulling from every team #BB23 漏了hannah和claire
Yeah also i think Brent is on the outskirts whereas Travis, Kyland and DX were talking about forming something similar to the "brigade" with xavier or christian. If Frenchie wants to do damage, that group needs to be hit before it comes together #BB23 美丽的是franchie针对的brent,并不在另一边即将组建的男盟中
Frenchie's asking Brent where his head's at Brent- Never be afraid to show your passion for your family That's not what Frenchie asked at all man Brent is going home lmao
Frenchie: I’m an honest person and I just want to make sure I didn’t do anything to upset you Brent *in the most calm voice*: what? Nooo absolutely not He has no idea he’s the target 😅 your paranoia needs to kick in nowwww #bb23
Brent's father committed suicide and it sounds like he left Brent a suicide note. Frenchie got up and gave him a hug and said he thought Brent was a hardass when he met him. Frenchie: I know everybody thought I was just a redneck, so I feel bad about judging you.
Frenchie to Brent- I wont lie to you, your name got brought up by somebody last night. We hadnt had any conversations and I was like that's something to consider #BB23 好的这就是暗杀吗?你这不是在卖吗?
Frenchie- You were talking to the ladies and I saw every lady in the circle puppy dog eyeing you. Brent- We get stereotyped. I get judged before I even get to open my mouth, and same with you #BB23
Frenchie says he feels like an asshole/hypocrite for assuming bad things about Brent and now he's apologizing to him, "we have so much more in common than I ever would have thought" This complete 180 from Frenchie is after less than 10 minutes of conversation #bb23 他在干嘛