14. Finance 资金
When making a responsible decision to move to land, you need to understand thatconstruction from scratch, the development of 2-3 hectares ofcompletely abandoned land, will easily eat up any savings. Sooner or later, oneway or another, the savings will run out. It's great, of course, if there is anapartment in the city and you can rent it. It is even better if there are twosuch apartments and they are in Moscow. But more often it happens that thereare no such apartments, and three or four years after the move, the questionarises - How do you make money?
Think about it not later, but right away - in the very first year. Clearly havea strategy, concept, plan - How will my family's financial flow be organized?Each has its own strengths, and each solves this problem in its own way. But itmust be solved. Someone starts an apiary, someone works on the Internet,someone at a construction site. Some of the settlers produce milk and organicproducts, some receive guests. Someone prepares tea (herbs), is engaged inhandicrafts. One thing is important - to choose a direction and immediatelystart implementing the plan. If it was tourism, then it was necessary to buildhouses and advertise. If this is an apiary, buy beehives, a honey extractor,plant honey plants.
I had been hoping for a long time that my supplies would not run out. Then thecrisis came and they ended much faster than expected. Crises are generally ourown, habitually rhythmic. So don't rely on stocks. Build the economy rightaway. Better if it is a little artisan way. Two, three families united by acommon project. So there will be more resilience, more coverage. Settlementsare an alternative, a different path, an attempt to create something differentfrom the usual stereotypes. We started from scratch, without governmentsupport, and perhaps not much has been done in 8-10 years. But we aredefinitely not standing still and conceptually nothing has changed over theyears. We create a community free from bad habits, gather people who are closeto family values, ideas of natural farming and permaculture.