谁知道这个Ver. 0.3.0是独立的游戏,还是和V0.2的一起的?

Thank you for your support, NumericGazer!
This month, I was mainly working on Alpha Ver#5.
Ver. 0.3.0 Information
This month, I'd like to show you the design drawings of the characters for Ver. 0.3.0, which is being worked on in parallel with Ver. 0.2.0.
Character Name: Kuro
Design :ShuichiWada

Character Name: Ghost

Character Name:Madame Ghost (tentative)

Other characters will be released later. Look forward to it!
Overall, I'm thinking of a gothic concept. Other characters are also in the works.
Up until ver. 0.2.0, there were many scenes per character, but in ver. 0.3.0, I would like to reduce the volume of scenes per character and instead show many characters.
Modeling is also in progress.
Character Name: Kuro

Next month's schedule
Next month, I plan to release Alpha Ver #6. I plan to add two more scenes of Alice.
Thank you for your continued support!

Thank you for your support, NumericGazer!
This month, I was mainly working on Alpha Ver#5.
Ver. 0.3.0 Information
This month, I'd like to show you the design drawings of the characters for Ver. 0.3.0, which is being worked on in parallel with Ver. 0.2.0.
Character Name: Kuro
Design :ShuichiWada

Character Name: Ghost

Character Name:Madame Ghost (tentative)

Other characters will be released later. Look forward to it!
Overall, I'm thinking of a gothic concept. Other characters are also in the works.
Up until ver. 0.2.0, there were many scenes per character, but in ver. 0.3.0, I would like to reduce the volume of scenes per character and instead show many characters.
Modeling is also in progress.
Character Name: Kuro

Next month's schedule
Next month, I plan to release Alpha Ver #6. I plan to add two more scenes of Alice.
Thank you for your continued support!