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What are the Expandable Storage Options for SHIELD TV?


The new SHIELD TV supports external microSD flash drives and the new SHIELD TV Pro supports USB flash and hard drives.
If you have a Network Addressable Storage (NAS) or PC you can mount it to your SHIELD TV in Settings > Storage
To expand your internal storage for apps and games, your storage device will need to be set up as internal storage. Go to Settings -> Storage & reset -> Select the drive name, then select the "Set up as internal storage".
SHIELD TV (2015), SHIELD TV Pro (2015 & 2017) and the new SHIELD TV also include a microSD card slot for expandable storage.

IP属地:英国1楼2021-12-26 20:04回复

    IP属地:重庆来自手机贴吧2楼2021-12-28 21:09