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If he gets vaxed then he'll lose again. The only reason fans (not Novak fans) and media are telling him to get vaxed so that they can make fun of him one more time. So it's not a simple position to be. Also, his health is not designed for these kind of vaccines so that's another concern. Don't see why a perfectly healthy person should dose himself up with vaccines that are designed to protect a person from a certain virus, when the same body has fought the virus with its natural immune system twice. In no world does it make sense. And people are getting infected even after the jabs. I got affected less than two months of the doses when I was just fine before the vaccines.
Anyway, I don't see him getting the vaccines either.

IP属地:广东1楼2022-01-19 14:06回复
    Yeah I agree with everything you say. Yeah the media and governments are trying to bully him into it so they can say he’s did a u turn and went against his beliefs or initial comments.
    Novak is such a proud man though and I like how he has his own mind. He’s not a sheep and will do what’s right for his body and condition. Tsitsipas hinted in Australia he didn’t really want the vaccine but got it so he could play. He’s really been coerced into it.
    It’s wrong people should be forced against their will to get something in their body in order to play a sport they love. Especially on a virus that doesn’t stop you getting it whether you vaccinated or not. Currently with omicron it makes little difference.
    I’m trebled jabbed and support Vaccinations on the whole as they did a lot of good in the world. However, it should never be forced and it’s sad the world is becoming more of a dictatorship every passing day. What happened to respecting freedom of choice?
    Especially for young fit athletes who already have super healthy bodies and push their bodies to the limits. We already heard of a few athletes who got the vaccine and suffering adverse effects. It’s risky for professional athletes but sadly there voice isn’t getting heard.

    IP属地:广东2楼2022-01-19 14:07
      打了疫苗他可以参赛 不打疫苗比赛都不能参考 难道不是看笑话

      来自iPhone客户端4楼2022-01-19 14:11
        另外什么他的健康不适合就不要找借口了 全世界就他的身体构造独特

        来自iPhone客户端5楼2022-01-19 14:12

          来自iPhone客户端6楼2022-01-19 14:12
            我现在觉得他不打疫苗就还不如死了算了 至少名声好听

            来自iPhone客户端7楼2022-01-19 14:14
              Why would I get a medical procedure that isn't going to benefit me in anyway considering I myself have natural immunity in the form of previous infection and the worst symptom I experienced was a mild cough? I'm not going to put a substance in my body which has a genuinely concerning side effect profile featuring completely novel technology which has been developed in a very short time span and has been unable to prevent the virus from becoming endemic. I refuse to get vaccinated just because an authority tells me to if I personally don't deem it necessary for my own health and that of my family and society at large. Look, I'm sorry if I came across as harsh, that wasn't my intention, I probably need to get off social media, it's all too divisive and hateful atm and it must be said some of that has probably rubbed off on me at this stage. I fully respect your decision to get vaccinated (I'm assuming based on your post history that you have been), but I would appreciate if you also understood my reasons and respected me as a human being who is able to think for themselves and come to their own decisions and conclusions, unlike many others who wish to condemn me to a lifetime of isolation for making a personal medical decision. Again, I apologise for the tone of my message and hope you have a good day wherever you are in the world.

              IP属地:广东8楼2022-01-19 14:14

                IP属地:广东9楼2022-01-19 14:15
                  德基粉丝的屁话当没看到 反正都是不正常的

                  来自iPhone客户端10楼2022-01-19 14:29
                    本群就是粉运动员成绩永远第一 除了成绩其他屁事都是白搭 德基始终明白不了这点真的是奇葩

                    来自iPhone客户端12楼2022-01-19 14:33

                      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端13楼2022-01-19 14:43
                        德基打了疫苗媒体才是没话说吧 而且还可以证明自己非反疫苗成员

                        IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端14楼2022-01-19 14:44
                          德基如果真的因为身体因素不能打就找医生去 全身检查清清楚楚的 但大概率是查不出来的不然早就拿这个理由去澳网了

                          IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端15楼2022-01-19 14:45
                            真是粉随主子 成绩第一都不懂
                            都不知道德基是吸引了点什么粉丝整天反智开会 隔壁那个飞猪大妈整天就知道说一点玄学还一堆人捧

                            IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端16楼2022-01-19 14:46

                              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端17楼2022-01-19 15:59