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【套牌分享】Mad Science囤兵活动


5张tap灵气非常克制绝大部分套牌。Sedgemoor Witch在环境中基本是解不掉的(大家带的都是fading hope),可以不断制造阻挡点,其实可以满编4张。列尔打后期很有用。
2 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned (MID) 59
3 Fading Hope (MID) 51
3 Test of Talents (STX) 59
4 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267
1 Divide by Zero (STX) 41
2 Behold the Multiverse (KHM) 46
4 Clearwater Pathway (ZNR) 260
2 Memory Deluge (MID) 62
4 Siphon Insight (MID) 241
1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (AFR) 258
7 Island (SLD) 360
5 Swamp (SLD) 361
1 Jwari Disruption (ZNR) 64
2 Hall of Storm Giants (AFR) 257
4 Duress (M20) 97
3 Bind the Monster (KHM) 48
4 Village Rites (M21) 126
1 Inscription of Ruin (ZNR) 108
2 Go Blank (STX) 72
3 Sedgemoor Witch (STX) 86
2 Bubble Snare (ZNR) 47
1 Elemental Summoning (STX) 183
1 Teachings of the Archaics (STX) 57
2 Mascot Exhibition (STX) 5
1 Environmental Sciences (STX) 1
1 Fractal Summoning (STX) 187
1 Introduction to Annihilation (STX) 3

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