switch交流吧 关注:263,549贴子:3,091,102
  • 0回复贴,共1

tegraRcmGUI 接入USB后绿色显示OK的,然后开机就变红NO了


No RCM device detected
RCM Device detected
Invoking TegraRcmSmash.exe with args : "E:\Switch-12.1.0大气层整合包M.19.5自带特斯拉第一版\hekate_ctcaer_5.5.8.bin"
TegraRcmSmash (32bit) 1.2.1-3 by rajkosto
Opened USB device path \\?\usb#vid_0955&pid_7321#6&1aa4502&0&2#{aa0dbd45-3117-f331-5c49-76bf65225042}
RCM Device with id 0083FC160000001CC8072D6401101062 initialized successfully!
Uploading payload (mezzo size: 92, user size: 109903, total size: 176119, total padded size: 176128)...
Smashing the stack!
Smashed the stack with a 0x7000 byte SETUP request!
Payload successfully injected
RCM device disconnected
RCM Device detected
Preset "PAYLOAD_FILE" set to : C:\Users\gzlid\Desktop\hekate_ctcaer_5.5.8.bin
Invoking TegraRcmSmash.exe with args : "C:\Users\gzlid\Desktop\hekate_ctcaer_5.5.8.bin"
TegraRcmSmash (32bit) 1.2.1-3 by rajkosto
Opened USB device path \\?\usb#vid_0955&pid_7321#6&1aa4502&0&2#{aa0dbd45-3117-f331-5c49-76bf65225042}
RCM Device with id 0083FC160000001CC8072D6401101062 initialized successfully!
Uploading payload (mezzo size: 92, user size: 109903, total size: 176119, total padded size: 176128)...
Smashing the stack!
Smashed the stack with a 0x7000 byte SETUP request!
Payload successfully injected
RCM device disconnected

IP属地:浙江1楼2022-02-15 21:18回复